Available Resources SPRACE Cluster The SPRACE cluster is a T2 site of the CMS collaboration at the LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) infrastructure. General Summary Production...
Useful info Daily Report Important Files/Folders that I don`t remember the date The important files/folders inside MG are: Background: all the withelecmuon...
Open Positions We do not hire skilled people and motivate them. We hire already motivated people and inspire them. (after Simon Sinek) Machine Learning...
Masters in High Energy Physics in IFT Duration 04 semesters in Brazil 01 semester abroad (BEPE) Schedule Semester 01 Book: A Very Short Introduction...
CERN Neighbourhood My personal view of a gourmet adventure around CERN and beyond. Excellent Choice: A `must go` for a gourmet experience. Do not miss....
Services and Shifts Central Shifts Instructions for the Run 3 Shifts Central Shifts (Run 3) General Instructions Short instructions for using shift selection...
Bruno`s page Here are some useful links and information about what I am doing for my PhD ROOT tips Colors on PyROOT Search for Dark Matter Samples to model Z...
Experimental High Energy Physics 2015 Syllabus 1 Interactions of Particles and Radiation with Matter ( chp 01) 1 Basic Principles of Electronics ( chp...
Analyzing Monojet Dark Matter Purpose of this page In order to have information about the steps of the analysis centralized, we could write down any significant information...
Computation of Limits with Theta Here I compute limits for i2HDM signal with package. List of MC samples for signal (i2HDM) The following table shows the details...
Perdizes and Neighbourhood My personal view of a gourmet adventure in Perdizes and beyond. For an overview map of the restaurant locations, Excellent Choice...
EDAnalyzer mini course The analyses using the CMSSW framework for AOD or miniAOD begins with the creation of a EDAnalyzer (nanoAOD is basically a ROOT TTree). The...
V0 Femtoscopy in pPb @ 8.16 TeV Analysis of V0`s at CMS in pPb@8.16TeV. The main idea is to do this analysis using K0s and Lambdas (neutral particles, called V0`s...