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Worker Node Node 60 Rack Location E11 LAN FQDN node60.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 59 Rack Location E10 LAN FQDN node59.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 55 Rack Location E06 LAN FQDN node55.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Nobreak UPS E2 Rack Location E04 E05 Function power supply for nodes 63 70 Manufacturer APC Model...
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Capes Print 2019 Repository of information for the Capes Print Call in 2019 capes print academico.pdf: Overall terms of the Capes Print grant (UNESP) edital...
Worker Node Node 32 Rack Location C17 LAN FQDN node32.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 31 Rack Location C16 LAN FQDN node31.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 29 Rack Location C14 LAN FQDN node29.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Nobreak UPS C1 Rack Location C02 03 Function power supply for nodes21 29 and switch Manufacturer APC...
Worker Node Node 05 Rack Location B10 LAN FQDN node05.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Nobreak UPS B2 Rack Location B04 05 Function power supply for node10 18 Manufacturer APC Model...
Angelo Santos E mail angelo.santos #64; S...
ZZ nunuqq Analysis Run 2 (13 TeV) We are starting this analysis with JETS and Missing Energy (MET) in the final state ANALISIS NOTE : AN 15 220 Instructions to...
Agenda 23/Abr/2010 pauta: 14:30 Randall Sundrun no CMS Thiago Tomei 15:15 Comphep Caio 15:30 Outros assuntos PedroMercadante 30 Apr 2010
Agenda 07/Ago/2009 Lista de sugest...
Server Node SPRaid node Rack Location A16 LAN FQDN storage.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Nobreak UPS A1 Rack Location A01 02 Function power supply for SPRuna, SPDC00, SPGrid left plug, RAID A left plug, SPRaid left...
Phase II Worker Nodes Plataform Infoserver model LX210 Processor 2 x Intel Xeon EMT64T...
Worker Node Node 18 Rack Location G23 LAN FQDN node18.grid LAN IP Address 192.168....
Worker Node Node 17 Rack Location G22 LAN FQDN node17.grid LAN IP Address 192....
Worker Node Node 29 Rack Location E20 LAN FQDN node029 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 28 Rack Location E19 LAN FQDN node028 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 27 Rack Location E18 LAN FQDN node027 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Worker Node Node 17 Rack Location E08 LAN FQDN node017 LAN IP Address WAN FQDN WAN IP Address Gateway...
Z` #8594; W W #8594;l...
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How to install the SPRACE package: Setup CMSSW: cd CMSSW X Y Z/src cmsenv Add the SPRACE Package from Github: git clone
SPRACE Shifts 2013 Shifters Schedule Preencha os dados dos shifts j...
SPRACE Shifters Schedule 2012 Preencha os dados dos shifts j...
Shift Schedule SergioNovaes 2014 05 12
Group: ChepicsGroup My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki...
Remote Boot and PXE Configuration Para instala...
Regras B...
Rack Dimension and Weight Rack 1 Equipamento Peso Dell PowerVault 220S (com HD`s) 4 x 35 Kg 140 Kg Dell PowerEdge 1850...
Phase II Worker Nodes Plataform Infoserver model LX210 Processor 2 X Intel Xeon EMT64T...
AllanSzu 18 Aug 2009 Persianas Empresa Telefone Contato Preco OnLIne Persianas 2215 1233 Eduardo R$2.393,75 Progetto 5083 0855 Pedro Rosa R$ 3.252,00...
Group: ChepicsGroup My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki...
Memory Accept Brasil Comercial Ltda. Endere...
MasterClass: Trabalhando em F...
Mario Vaz width `20%` E mail mario.vaz #64; S...
Hardware Configuration Current in use: Phase II Node 01 Node 14 Node 27 Node 02 Node 15 Node 28...
Hardware Configuration Rack A access spserv02 spserv01 osg ce osg se Switch SMC Node 80 Node 79...

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