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Services and Shifts

Central Shifts

General Instructions

Short instructions for using shift selection tool

  • Go to: http://cmsonline.cern.ch
  • Log in (link on top right) using your NICE/mail server credentials
  • Select "Shiftlist" (menu on the left)
  • Select "Shift selection" (tab on top right)
  • Select a month (and a year)
  • Select a shift type (e.g. central shift leader, central DQM P5)
  • Press "Show" button: at this point the page will be slightly differnt is the kind of shift is organized in blocks (like ALL central shifts- see below for more info- and some subsystem shifts) or not
  • IF the shift type is organized in blocks : by selectiing any shift belonging to a block the whole block is selected. Once you SAVE the shift is ALLOCATED. If you want to cancel a whole shift block selection you will have to refer to the shift manager. If you need to replace one of shifts, you can do so by finding another shifter ( trained!!) and by 'Offering' him the shift by cliking on the blue check box. Beware: After offering a shift it will appear to others as not taken. You yourself can always cancel the offering by simply selecting the shift again. However, until somebody else selects the shift, it stays assigned to you.
  • ELSE if the shift type is not organized in blocks :Select shift preferences by checking either the box which selects the whole month or the boxes for each week available (can then reject some specific days) Self evident how to do that.

Data Quality Monitoring Instructions

DQM shift persons should have basic analysis experience. Experience with global runs and/or detector performance appreciated. New shift persons are expected to take their first shift at day time. In preparation to the firstshift, they are also expected to attend the weekly DQM tutorial (held on Mondays) no more than two weeks in advance of their first shift, and to take a trainee shift. Complete instructions for DQM shifts can be found here

Computing Shift (CSP) Instructions

CMS Useful Links and Instructions

SPRACE Central Shifts Schedule

  • Preencha os dados dos shifts já marcados.
  • Na coluna Done, marque "Yes" ou "No"
  • Adicione uma linha na sequência de seu nome para cada shift ou bloco de shifts novo.

SPRACE Shifts 2012

Name Shift Start End Done Points
Caio Langaná CSP 08/03 29/03 Yes 3.00
  CSP 18/04 18/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 03/05 03/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 15/05 15/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 17/05 17/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 05/07 01/07 Yes 0.75
Cesar Bernardes CSP 10/03 11/03 Yes 1.25
  CSP 17/03 18/03 Yes 1.25
  CSP 24/03 25/03 Yes 1.25
  CSP 31/03 01/04 Yes 1.25
  CSP 04/04 05/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 19/04 20/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 25/04 26/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 26/05 27/05 Yes 1.25
  CSP 02/06 03/06 Yes 1.25
  CSP 16/06 17/06 Yes 1.25
  CSP 23/06 24/06 Yes 1.25
  CSP 30/06 01/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 07/07 08/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 14/07 15/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 15/08 16/08 Yes 0.75
  CSP 29/09 30/09 Yes 1.25
  CSP 13/10 14/10 Yes 1.25
  CSP 10/11 11/11 Yes 1.25
  CSP 13/11 14/11 Yes 0.75
  CSP 24/11 25/11 Yes 1.25
  CSP 08/12 09/12 Yes 1.25
  CSP 22/12 23/12 Yes 1.25
Flavia Dias TRG_Shifter 19/03 22/03 Yes 3,00
  TRG_Shifter 26/03 29/03 Yes 3,00
  TRG_Shifter 02/04 05/04 Yes 3,00
  TRG_Shifter 09/04 12/04 Yes 3,00
  TRG_Shifter 16/04 19/04 Yes 3,00
  TRG_Shifter 23/04 26/04 Yes 3,00
Jose Ruiz CSP 01/07 02/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 08/07 09/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 15/07 16/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 22/07 23/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 29/07 30/07 Yes 1.25
  CSP 16/09 17/09 Yes 1.25
  CSP 30/09 01/10 Yes 1.25
  CSP 14/10 15/10 Yes 1.25
  CSP 21/10 22/10 Yes 1.25
  CSP 28/10 29/10 Yes 1.25
Pedro Mercadante CSP 04/07 05/07 Yes 0.75
  CSP 05/09 06/09 Yes 0.75
  CSP 12/09 13/09 Yes 0.75
  CSP 19/09 20/09 Yes 0.75
Rogerio Iope Central - Shift leader (as 2nd shifter) 02/03 02/03 Yes 0,75
  Central - Shift leader (as 2nd shifter) 09/03 12/03 Yes 5,50
Sandra S. Padula CSP 02/04 02/04 Yes 0,75
  CSP 09/04 09/04 Yes 0,75
  CSP 16/04 16/04 Yes 0,75
  CSP 23/04 23/04 Yes 0,75
  CSP 20/05 20/05 Yes 1,25
  CSP 27/05 27/05 Yes 1,25
  CSP 28/05 28/05 Yes 0,75
  CSP 11/06 11/06 Yes 0,75
  CSP 17/06 17/06 Yes 1,25
  CSP 25/06 25/06 Yes 0,75
  CSP 31/07 31/07 Yes 0,75
  CSP 26/11 26/11 Yes 0,75
  CSP 10/12 10/12 No 0,75
Sunil M. Dogra CSP 12/07 28/07 Yes 5.50
  CSP 11/08 27/08 Yes 3.75
  CSP 15/09 23/09 Yes 2.50
  CSP 01/10 30/10 Yes 3.50
  CSP 04/11 06/11 Yes 2.50
  CSP 22/11 29/11 Yes 2.75
  CSP 15/12 17/12 Yes 2.50
  CSP 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 Yes 1.25

SPRACE Shifts 2013

  • According to this link, our grup has to contribute with a total of 14.4 points of Central Shifts (6 authors X 2.4 points/author).
  • Each 5 points correspond to 1 week of service work.
Name Shift Start End Done Points
Sunil M. Dogra CSP 12/03 13/03 Yes 1.50
  CSP 20/04 29/04 Yes 10.50
  CSP 03/05 18/05 Yes 5.0
  CSP 14/06 01/07 Yes 14.50
  CSP 08/07 30/07 Yes 10.50
  CSP 04/08 30/08 Yes 17.00
  CSP 01/09 30/09 Yes 13.00
  CSP 01/10 30/10 Yes 20.00
  CSP 20/11 30/11 Yes 4.50
Jose Ruiz CSP 11/05 11/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 18/05 18/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 25/05 25/05 Yes 2.50
Cesar Bernardes CSP 02/03 03/03 Yes 2.50
  CSP 16/03 17/03 Yes 2.50
  CSP 30/03 31/03 Yes 2.50
  CSP 04/05 05/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 11/05 12/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 18/05 19/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 25/05 26/05 Yes 2.50
  CSP 10/08 11/08 Yes 2.50
  CSP 17/08 18/08 Yes 2.50
  CSP 07/09 08/09 Yes 2.50
  CSP 21/09 22/09 Yes 2.50
Sandra S. Padula CSP 04/01 05/01 Yes 1.50
  CSP 18/03 19/03 Yes 0.75
  CSP 25/03 26/03 Yes 0.75
  CSP 08/04 09/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 29/04 30/04 Yes 0.75
  CSP 13/05 14/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 20/05 21/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 27/05 28/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 03/06 04/05 Yes 0.75
  CSP 10/06 11/06 Yes 0.75
  CSP 26/08 27/08 Yes 0.75
  CSP 02/09 03/09 Yes 0.75
  CSP 09/09 10/09 Yes 0.75
  CSP 16/09 17/09 Yes 0.75
  CSP 30/09 01/10 Yes ?? 0.75
Angelo S. Santos CSP 17/06 18/06 Yes 1.50
  CSP 20/08 21/08 Yes 1.50
  CSP 23/08 24/08 Yes 1.50
  CSP 31/08 01/09 Yes 2.50
  CSP 03/09 04/09 Yes 1.50
  CSP 06/09 07/09 Yes 1.50
  CSP 13/09 14/09 Yes 1.50
  CSP 27/09 28/09 Yes 1.50
  CSP 01/10 02/09 Yes 1.50
  CSP 16/10 17/10 Yes 1.50
  CSP 19/10 20/10 Yes 2.50
  CSP 11/11 12/11 Yes 1.50
  CSP 21/11 22/11 Yes 1.50
  CSP 29/11 30/11 Yes 1.50
  CSP 06/12 07/12 Yes 1.50
  CSP 21/12 22/12 Yes 2.50
  CSP 27/12 28/12 Yes 1.50

SPRACE Shifts 2014

The most important remarks for 2014 are:

  • Overflow central shift points can be counted towards the ESP group needs.
  • Each 5 shift points correspond to 1 week of ESP service work.
  • Each 21.7 shift points correspond to 1 month of ESP service work.
  • The number of central credits per author is set to 4.4
  • The number of authors includes graduate students. SPRACE closed 2013 with 6 authors.
  • SPRACE must perform 26.4 service work credits on Central Shifts. This corresponds to 26.4 points.
  • Points for CSP shifts:
    • weekday day shift = 1.0
    • weekend day shift = 1.5

Name Shift Start End Done Points
Sunil M. Dogra CSP Jan Dec Yes 29
Jose Ruiz          
Cesar Bernardes CSP 10/05 11/05 Yes 1.5
  CSP 02/08 03/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 23/08 24/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 30/08 31/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 27/09 28/09 Yes 1.5
  CSP 25/10 26/10 Yes 1.5
  CSP 15/11 16/11 Yes 1.5
  CSP 22/11 23/11 No 1.5
  CSP 29/11 30/11 No 1.5
  CSP 06/12 07/12 No 1.5
Sandra S. Padula CSP 17/02 18/02 Yes 1.0
  CSP 27/10 28/10 Yes 1.0
  CSP 24/11 25/11 Yes 1.0
Angelo Santos CSP 01/01 01/02 Yes 1.0
  CSP 01/01 02/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 02/01 03/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 03/01 04/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 04/01 05/01 Yes 1.5
  CSP 06/01 07/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 07/01 08/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 10/01 11/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 13/01 14/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 17/01 18/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 23/01 24/01 Yes 1.0
  CSP 22/02 23/02 Yes 1.5
  CSP 24/02 25/02 Yes 1.0
  CSP 01/03 02/03 Yes 1.5
  CSP 03/03 04/03 Yes 1.0
  CSP 08/03 09/03 Yes 1.5
  CSP 09/03 10/03 Yes 1.5
  CSP 10/03 11/03 Yes 1.0
  CSP 15/03 16/03 Yes 1.5
  CSP 17/03 18/03 Yes 1.0
  CSP 31/03 01/04 Yes 1.0
  CSP 04/04 05/04 Yes 1.0
  CSP 09/04 10/04 Yes 1.0
  CSP 11/04 12/04 Yes 1.0
  CSP 16/04 17/04 Yes 1.0
  CSP 19/04 20/04 Yes 1.5
  CSP 09/05 10/05 Yes 1.0
  CSP 14/09 15/09 Yes 1.5
  CSP 30/09 01/10 Yes 1.0
  CSP 19/10 20/10 Yes 1.5
  CSP 02/11 03/11 Yes 1.5
  CSP 09/11 10/11 Yes 1.5
  CSP 16/11 17/11 No 1.5
  CSP 14/12 15/12 No 1.5
  CSP 18/12 19/12 No 1.0
  CSP 19/12 20/12 No 1.0
  CSP 22/12 23/12 No 1.0

SPRACE Shifts 2015

Name Shift Start End Done Points
David Romero CSP 18/01 19/01 Yes 1
  CSP 12/04 13/04 Yes 1
  CSP 26/04 27/04 Yes 1
  CSP 04/10 04/10 Yes 1.5
  CSP 18/10 18/10 Yes 1.5
Thiago Tomei Trigger 01/06 02/06 Yes 2
  Trigger 05/06 07/06 Yes 5
  Trigger 28/08 31/08 Yes 7
  Trigger 01/10 04/10 Yes 5
  HLT On-call 12/10 26/10 Yes 14
  Trigger 26/10 28/10 Yes 3
  Trigger 20/11 22/11 Not yet 4
  Trigger 10/12 13/12 Not yet 5
  Trigger 14/12 18/12 Waived 8
Sandra S. Padula CSP 16/03 17/03 Yes 1
  CSP 23/03 24/03 Yes 1
  CSP 30/03 31/03 Yes 1
  CSP 07/06 08/06 Yes 1
  CSP 09/08 10/08 Yes 1
  CSP 14/08 15/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 17/08 18/08 Yes 1
  CSP 14/09 15/09 Yes 1
  CSP 19/10 20/10 Yes 1
Cesar Bernardes CSP 21/03 22/03 Yes 1.5
  CSP 04/04 05/04 Yes 1.5
  CSP 11/04 12/04 Yes 1.5
  CSP 01/08 02/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 22/08 23/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 29/08 30/08 Yes 1.5
  CSP 05/09 06/09 Yes 1.5
  CSP 17/10 18/10 Yes 1.5

Experiment Service Pledges - ESP

ESP General Notes

CMS Service Policies

  • For existing members: For each CMS publications signing member including graduate students 6 months of 100% effort towards MoA work every 2 calendar years.
  • For new members: Sign CMS publications after providing 6 months of 100% effort towards service work during the first 24 months of participation in CMS
  • The required 0,25 FTE/Author is averaged across all members.
  • The Experiment Service Pledge Tool is located here

Contagem de Tempo no CMS

  • 8 horas/dia
  • 5 dias/semana
  • 4,34 semanas/mês
  • 21,7 dias/mês
  • 12 meses/ano
  • 52 semanas/ano
  • 260 dias/ano
  • 21,7 dias/mês
  • 0,25 FTE/author = 3 months/author = 13 weeks/author
  • 1,0 month = 0,083 FTE = 4,3 Weeks
  • 1 Week = 0,2326 Months

SPRACE Service Pledges and Accounting


  • Balance
    • Total months of service needed: 7 X 3 = 21 Months = 1,743 FTE
    • Total months of service accounted for: 17,1 Months = 1,420 FTE
    • Outstanding Service: 3,9 Months = 0,323 FTE

  • Signing Members as 03/2011 (7)
    • DE ALMEIDA DIAS Flavia
    • LAGANA Caio
    • MERCADANTE Pedro G.
    • NOVAES Sergio F.
    • PADULA Sandra
    • TOMEI Thiago

Active Members Services

Name Project Activity Task FTE Points Months
Cesar Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing (auto) 0,076 21,75 00,91
Caio Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing (auto) 0,055 15,75 00,66
Sandra Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing (auto) 0,012 03,25 00,14
Mercadante Run Coordination Central Shifts DQM P5 (auto) 0,020 05,75 00,24
Flavia Offline Software Generators Generators management 0,200   02,40
Jadir Core Computing Facility Ops Facility Operations 0,448   05,40
Unassigned Core Computing Site Contributions Tier-2 0,415   05,00
Total 12

Ex-Members Services

Name Project Activity Task FTE Points Months
Tiago Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing (auto)   18,00 0,75
Franciole Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing (auto)   17,75 0,74
Franciole Run Coordination Central Shifts DQM P5(auto)   20,50 0,87
Total 0

Totals per Project

Project Months
Core Computing 10,4
Run Coordination 04,3
Offline 02,4
Total 16


  • Number of Authors = 8
  • Required Months of Service = 8X3 = 24 Months
  • Tier-2 Credit == 492 FTE Mo x (XXX TB / 27,837 TB)
  • SPRACE WLCG Pledge = 720 TB == 12,7 Mo on CRC Site T2

Individual Pledges

CMS Members Task Pledged Worked
Padula Sandra CSP Shift 0.50 0.59
Mercadante Pedro CSP Shift 0.50 0.14
Gregores Eduardo CSP Shift 0.50 0.14
Dias Flavia TRG Shift 0.75 0.75
  TRG Valid 2.00 2.00
  PPD Valid 3.00 3.00
  CRC Train 1.00 1.00
Bernardes Cesar CSP Shift 1.00 1.21
Lagana Caio CSP Shift 0.28 0.28
Ruiz José CSP Shift 1.00 0.46
Dogra Sunil CSP Shift 1.00 1.14
  Centrality 3.00 0.00
Bach Eduardo CRC Site T2 3.00 3.21
Iope Rogerio DCS Shift 0.50 0.29
  CRC Site T2 3.00 3.21
Lietti Sergio CRC Site T2 3.00 3.21
Silva Jadir CRC Site T2 3.70 3.96
  CRC FacOp 3.00 3.00
Total 30.73 27.59

Tasks Names

Project Name Activity Name Task Name Short Name
Run Coordination Central Shifts Computing CSP Shift
Run Coordination Central Shifts DQM P5 DQM Shift
Run Coordination Central Shifts DQM P5 TRG Shift
Core Computing Physics Support Tutorials and Training CRC Train
Core Computing Site Contrib. Tier-2 CRC Site T2
Core Computing Facility Ops Facility Operations CRC FacOp
HI Offline Software Global Observables Centrality Determination Centrality
Offline Software Generators Generators Manag. OFF GenMng
Trigger Coord HLT Menu Perf. Trigger Valid. TRG Valid
PPD PdmV PAG validation PPD Valid


  • Number of Authors = 6
  • Required Months of Service = 6X3 = 18 Months

Member ProjectSorted ascending Activity Task Pledged Worked
Eduardo Bach CORE Site Tier2 1.58 1.58
Marcio Costa CORE Site Tier2 4.22 4.22
Rogerio Iope CORE Site Tier2 1.58 1.58
Sergio Lietti CORE Site Tier2 1.79 1.79
Jadir Silva CORE Site Tier2 4.22 4.22
Cesar Bernardes PPD PdmV Muon 2.00 2.00
Angelo Santos PPD PdmV Muon 3.00 2.00
Sunil Dogra PPD DQM HI DQM 1.00 1.00
José Ruiz PPD PdmV PAG 3.00 1.50
  RUN Shifts CSP 0.38 0.38
  RUN Shifts CSP 0.59 0.59
  RUN Shifts CSP 1.80 1.80
John Gomez RUN Shifts CSP 0.24 0.24
Sandra Padula RUN Shifts CSP 0.48 0.48
  RUN Shifts CSP 0.10 0.10
TOTAL 29.98 27.48
  TRIGGER Susy PAG Valid. 2.00 2.00
Thiago Tomei TRIGGER POG/PAG Conv. 2.00 2.00


  • Number of Authors = 6
  • Required Months of Service = 6X3 = 18 Months
  • Required 26.4 service work credits on Central Shifts = 1.22 Months
  • Required Total = 19.22

Member Project Activity Task Pledged Worked
Eduardo Bach CORE Site Tier2 13.4 0
Sergio Lietti CORE Site Tier2 0 0
Jadir Silva CORE Site Tier2 0 0
Marcio Costa CORE Site Tier2 0 0
Rogerio Iope CORE Site Tier2 0 0
Cesar Bernardes PPD PdmV Muon 2.0 0
  RUN Shifts CSP 0 0
David Romero
José Ruiz PPD PdmV PAG 2.0 0
  RUN Shifts CSP 0 0
  TRIGGER POG/PAG Valid. 1.5 0
Angelo Santos PPD PdmV Muon 2.0 0
  RUN Shifts CSP 0 0
Sunil Dogra PPD DQM HI DQM 0 0
  RUN Shifts CSP 0 0
Sandra Padula RUN Shifts CSP 0 0
Thiago Tomei TRIGGER POG/PAG Conv. 2.0 0
TOTAL 22.9 0

Signing Rights

  • 1 Year presence
  • 6 months of service work
  • The service work accounted for SPRACE members can be found here. This link may be available only for SPRACE administrators.

Angelo Santos

Eligible. More then 1 year presence

Year Pledged Worked Project/Activity/Task
2013 3.00 2.00 PPD/PdmV/Muon POG physics validation
2013 0.5882 0.5882 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
TOTAL 2.5882  

Sunil Dogra

Eligible. More then 1 year presence

Year Pledged Worked Project/Activity/Task
2012 1.1408 1.1408 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
2013 1.00 1.00 PPD/DQM/Heavy Ion online & offline DQM
2013 1.7992 1.7992 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
2013 4.22 4.22 Core Computing/Site Contributions/Tier-2
TOTAL 8.16  

Jose Ruiz

Eligible. More then 1 year presence

Year Pledged Worked Project/Activity/Task
2012 0.0 0.46 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
2013 2.00 2.00 Trigger Coordination/POGs and PAGs/SUSY PAG
2013 3.00 1.50 PPD/PdmV/PAG physics validation
2013 0.0 0.10 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
TOTAL 4.06  

David Romero

Not-eligible. Less then 1 year presence

Year Pledged Worked Project/Activity/Task
2014 1.0 0.0 Run Coordination/Central Shifts/Computing
-- Main.gregores - 2014-01-22
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