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Postdoctoral Fellowship Application: Registration on the FAPESP Database

In order to get a postdoctoral fellowship from FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation), the applicant should register and fill out all necessary information at FAPESP's SAGe database system. Instructions follows below.

Creating an account in the SAGe System

The SAGe system does not have an English version. Below are some instructions for foreigners.
  • First go to www.fapesp.br/sage.
  • Click on the "Sem cadastro?" ("No account?") link, as shown below:

Instructions for SAGe

  • On the window that will open, insert your full name, country, birth date and, if you are not Brazilian, select "Estrangeiro" (Foreigner), as shown below:

Instructions for SAGe

The CPF is the number associated to IRS and it is an optional field for foreigners.

  • After all the necessary fields are filled click on "Confirm" button

  • On the next screen type your e-mail, username, password (twice, for confirmation) and then click on "Salvar" (Save) button, as shown below:

Instructions for SAGe

The password and identification must have from 5 to 10 characters.

Complete your Registration

  • Go back to www.fapesp.br/sage and login with the identification and password you just created.

  • After the login, go to the menu "Meus Dados" > "Alteração de Cadastro" (My Data > Update the Registration):
Instructions for SAGe

Personal Information

  • Select the tab "Identificação" (Username) and fill the fields as follows:

Instructions for SAGe

  • Under the marital status choose from
    • "Casado" = Married
    • "União Estável" = Unmarried Partnership
    • "Divorciado" = Divorced
    • "Separado" = Judicial Separation
    • "Solteiro" = Single
    • "Viúvo" = Widower.
  • In the first two cases, please provide your spouse/partner information as follows:

Instructions for SAGe


  • Then in the tab "Endereço" (Address) click on "Incluir +" (Include) to add our business address:

Instructions for SAGe

  • In the next window, fill the options/blanks as in the figure below. In the last field "Endereço no Exterior" (Address Abroad) include your address in your home country. Provide also your E-mail and Home Page in case you have one.

Instructions for SAGe

Employment Information

  • On the tab "Vínc. Empreg / Credenciamento" (Employment Information), select "Não" (No), as shown below:

Instructions for SAGe

Academic Background

  • Go to the tab "Formação Acadêmica" (Academic Background), select "Sim" (Yes) and click in "Incluir +":

Instructions for SAGe

  • You will have to add a field for each academic level that you have attained. The levels are as follows:
    • "Graduação" = Under Graduation
    • "Mestrado" = Master Degree
    • "Doutorado"= PhD
    • "Pós-Doutorado" = Postdoctoral Position.

  • After you click in "Incluir" fill the window as follows:

Instructions for SAGe

Areas of Expertise

  • In the tab "Áreas de Atuação" (Areas of Expertise) click "Incluir +" and choose:
    • "Ciências Exatas e da Terra" (Hard Sciences / STEM) > "Física" (Physics) > "Física Das Partículas Elementares e Campos" (Particle and Fields).
  • Insert at least four keywords in the fields under "Palavras Chave.

Instructions for SAGe

Adicional Information

Instructions for SAGe

  • In is not necessary to fill the last tab "Observações" (Remarks)

Instructions for SAGe

  • Click on the "Salvar" (Save) button.

Adicional Documentation

  • After you have finished this registration process at the SAGe system, please inform your supervisor so he/she can proceed with the fellowship solicitation.
  • Be prepared to present in a .pdf format the following documents that are necessary for the submission of the proposal:
    1. An statement saying that you agree to developed the Research Plan associated to the fellowship like: " I, the undersigned, agree to execute the working plan '...' during my Postdoctoral position at the Sao Paulo Research and Analysis Center. "
    2. Curriculum Vitae, accordingly to this template or in other format but containing the same information. If you have a Researcher ID and/or Google Scholar please include this information in your CV.
    3. Official Certificate of the obtention of the PhD degree from the University. This could be provided after the fellowship is granted
    4. Declaration saying the you are not employed elsewhere, like: " I, the undersigned, declare that I will not have a concomitant employment anywhere else during my Postdoc position from FAPESP. I will be fully dedicated to the research activities at the Sao Paulo Research and Analysis Center. "
  • Make sure to bring with you the receipt or proof of purchase of your air ticket, e-ticket, or copy of your ticket containing your name, itinerary and dates. You must buy the ticket in Economy or Promotional fare and you can issue either "round trip" or "one way", which is cheaper. The ticket will be reimbursed by FAPESP.

For the Supervisor

  • To register the proposal the supervisor will have to go to the menu "Propostas" > "Nova Proposta Inicial" (Proposals > New Initial Proposition) and select "Outras Linhas de fomento" (Other Lines of Fomentation) :
Instructions for SAGe

  • And then select "Bolsas Concedidas como Itens Orçamentários em Auxílios" (Scholarships Granted as Budgetary Aid Items) and choose the scholarship:
Instructions for SAGe

  • The following documentation is necessary to submit the Proposal:
Instructions for SAGe

  • The following documentation may be attached at any moment, but is only required after approval of the Proposal:
Instructions for SAGe

Documentation needed from the Supervisor

  • Description of the selection process
  • Research Plan: should be the same presented together with the Thematic project
  • Installation Aid (See Installation Aid)
    • By the "Aceite da Concessão", go to “Elaborar/Submeter Solicitações de Mudança” (SM) in the menu “Mais Ações”, choose “Alteração de Orçamento”
    • Change the requested values ​​for "Instalação" e "Despesa de Transporte"
    • Add the following documentation:
      • Proof of residence in São Paulo: water, gas, electricity or telephone bills, credit card or bank statement, or lease contract
      • Proof of purchase of the air ticket, e-ticket, or copy of the ticket containing name, itinerary and dates
      • Proof of dependents: birth certificates for the children and marriage certificate or proof of unmarried partnership for the spouse/partner.
  • The "SM" must be prepared by the Responsible and submitted by the Beneficiary, or vice versa.
  • Declaration of the start of the activities signed both by the Supervisor and the Beneficiary

Information on How to Buy Your Ticket

Transportation expense payment for air transportation, ground transportation, fuel and toll used by the Grantee is considered when there is need to move from one city to another in order to participate in the event strictly associated with the project.

The Grantee is responsible for the acquisition of his/her air ticket, if granted by FAPESP. Please follow the recommendations :

  1. Issue the ticket in Economy Class and, whenever possible, at Promotional Rate. FAPESP do not accept to pay the ticket at a different airfare. If you choose to use frequent flyer points program, FAPESP is only responsible for the expenses actually paid to Airline (boarding fees and other charges contained in the ticket issuance) ;
  2. Issue the tickets with scheduled dates for the roundtrip taking into account the duration of your fellowship or aid. When it is not possible to issue the round trip, it is recommended to issue two (2) oneway tickets, one inbound and another outbound, thus avoiding the need of rebooking or cancelling the ticket.

Ensure the compliance with the above recommendations, before the acquisition of the ticket. If you are not able to meet the two above recommendations, before the making the spending, send through SAGe, a "Request for Change" (Solicitação de Mudança - SM ) choosing "Other" (Outras) with detailed justification to FAPESP Administrative Board for review. FAPESP, under any circumstances, shall be liable for costs arising from non-compliance with the above recommendations without permission.

When acquired by Grantee, in order to justify the transportation expense you will need:

  1. Receipt issued by the airline or travel agency;
  2. A print of the E-ticket (electronic ticket) containing the base fare;
  3. Original boarding passes with the full itinerary.

Visa Information

For general information on visa issues please visit the site of the Consulate General of Brazil in the different countries. Some examples:

A summary of the information follows:

Who is eligible for a VITEM I Visa

Scientists, professors, researchers and other professionals intending to participate in science and technology cooperation projects with a Brazilian institution, working within foreign educational or research and development institutions without a work contract in Brazil but sponsored by a research grant from CNPq, CAPES, FINEP or other official State Foundation supporting research activities, like FAPESP. If a student applicant will be enrolled in undergraduate/graduate studies, a VITEM IV may apply. If you qualify for both, most likely this Consulate will indicate to submit a VITEM IV visa application.

For applicants planning to engage in research or scientific activities:

  • Letter from Brazilian sponsoring organization informing activities to be pursued, length of stay and pecuniary conditions. This document must be an original, on a standard letterhead.
  • Copy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation's Ordinance ("Portaria do MCT") that authorized the research activity and the scientist's participation and/or letter issued by official Brazilian development entity (CNPq, CAPES, FINEP and others) financing the research grant.
  • Original Notarized Term of Commitment form: "Termo de Compromisso para VITEM I- RN n.º 101/2013".

Further Information

  • Some VITEM I holders must be registered with the Federal Police within the first 30 days of their arrival regardless of the lengh of their stay in Brazil. A Visa Form will be issued in order to proceed with the registration. Failing to to register in time will result in daily fines. If you need to be registered, it will be written on the notes on your visa label.
  • Duration of stay in Brazil is annotated in the visa. Extension, if applicable, must be requested at the Brazilian Federal Police 30 days before the visa expires and authorized at their discretion.
  • Currently there are no mandatory vaccines required to visit Brazil.
  • Citizens of the following countries must enter Brazil within 90 days from the date the visa has been issued: Angola, Bahrain, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand and Tunisia. The visa will be considered void if its holder does not enter Brazilian territory within the above-mentioned time frame.

After the Submission

The following proposal was submitted by one of those involved, but is not yet available for FAPESP because it is pending approval, or require the declaration of consent of the recipient to be able to be evaluated by the Foundation.

To execute this statement, the beneficiary must access the SAGE system here , select the menu option "Propostas" > "Minhas Propostas", select the proposal and state that agrees with their involvement in the proposal through the "Aprovar" (Approve).

Only after this approval, the proposal will be available for FAPESP.

Line of Fostering: Scholarships Granted as Budgetary Items in Grant / Post Doctoral Beneficiary: Your Name Supervisor: Sergio Ferraz Novaes

-- Main.santos - 2014-04-16

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