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Daily Report

-- brenoorzari

Important Files/Folders that I don't remember the date

The important files/folders inside MG are:

  • Background:
    • all the withelecmuon* (25000 events);
  • Signal:
    • truth_studies-master;
    • mass_dark_Higgs:
      • run_01-03 - Default CMS card (10000 events);
      • run_04-06 - CMS card filtered (10000 events);
      • run_07-09 - CMS card filtered with btagging change (10000 events);
    • signal_mass_dark_Higgs_more_events - CMS card filtered with btagging change (25000 events);
    • DM_signal_withelecmuon - CMS card filtered with btagging change (25000 events);
    • DM_signal_withelecmuon_change_recojet - CMS card filtered with btagging and jet reco object change (25000 events);
  • Files:
    • steering.dat;
    • run_card.dat;
    • param_card.dat;
    • ~/Downloads/MG5_aMC_v2_6_4/mass_dark_Higgs/Cards/delphes_card.dat;

The important files inside Delphes are:

  • .pdf:
    • all the fatjet_mass*;
  • Background:
    • all the withelecmuon* (25000 events);
  • Signal:
    • all the mass* (10000 events);
    • all the filtered_mass* (10000 events);
    • all the btag_change_filtered_mass* (10000 events);
    • all the more_events_mass* (25000 events);
    • all the nojet_mass* (25000 events with the normlepeff* card);
  • Macros:
    • plot_varios_fjetmass.C;
    • maisum_dark_Higgs.C;
    • sanity_macro.C;

Important Info

Luminosity for 25000 events (in fb^-1):

  • Backgrounds:
    • Z: 1454,44;
    • W: 439,71;
    • Diboson: 489,06;
    • top: 476,95;

BG Process Events Veto All cuts Lumin. fb^{-1}
Z + bbbar 25000 24989 580 1454,44
W + bbbar 11407 4245 91 439,71
Diboson 25000 4996 50 489,06
ttbar 25000 12587 208 476,95

Result Diboson Z+bb W+bb tt
Paper 0.56+/-0.02 2.42+/-0.07 1.16+/-0.06 2.83+/-0.12
Mine 0.22 1.05 0.48 1.09

Result Diboson Z+bb W+bb tt
BG/Diboson (paper) 1 4.32 2.07 5.05
BG/Diboson (mine) 1 4.77 2.18 4.95

  • Signal:
    • m_{hs} = 50 geV - 34,36;
    • m_{hs} = 70 geV - 42,20;
    • m_{hs} = 90 geV - 51,21;


Simulated the signal using the CMS card filtered, with the b-tagging eff changed, and with the object to reconstruct the jets also changed. The name of the folder inside the MG folder is DM_signal_withelecmuon_change_recojet. The ROOT files inside the Delphes folder are named DM_signal_withelecmuon_change_recojet50.root, DM_signal_withelecmuon_change_recojet70.root, DM_signal_withelecmuon_change_recojet90.root. The macros plot_varios_fjetmass.C and maisum_dark_Higgs.C were used in those files. The pdf file fatjet_mass_CMSrecojet.pdf was created.

  • The signal was simulated using 25000 events for each mass of the dark Higgs, with the following luminosities (fb^-1):
    • m_{hs} = 50 geV - 34,36;
    • m_{hs} = 70 geV - 42,20;
    • m_{hs} = 90 geV - 51,21.

Changed the delphes_card.dat to produce the gen fat jets. Started simulating the signal with it to see what happens with the b-tagging. The name of the folder inside the MG folder is DM_signal_withelecmuon_genfatjet. The ROOT files inside the Delphes folder are named DM_signal_withelecmuon_genfatjet50, DM_signal_withelecmuon_genfatjet70, DM_signal_withelecmuon_genfatjet90. The macros plot_varios_fjetmass.C and maisum_dark_Higgs.C were used in those files. The pdf file fatjet_mass_CMSgenfatjet.pdf was created. I'll create another macro to analyze the generated fat jets, just like the reconstructed ones to see the differences.

  • The signal was simulated using 25000 events for each mass of the dark Higgs, with the following luminosities (fb^-1):
    • m_{hs} = 50 geV - 34,36;
    • m_{hs} = 70 geV - 42,20;
    • m_{hs} = 90 geV - 51,21.

The next step will be to make the b-tagging by hand, that is, try to match the generated b quarks to the jets (gen and reco), and apply the paper eff to it. Also, the test about the random number could be done with one of the masses to check its role in the fat jet invariant mass histograms. The slides from 25/02/2019 that I showed to Thiago must be changed to be well understood.


Got a graph exactly like the one in "Hunting the dark Higgs" paper. The name of the file is ALL_backgrounds_mJ.pdf. Also, the macro used to do it is ALL_backgrounds_combined_rightratio.C with the files withelecmuon_ for the backgrounds. I've rescaled the luminosities to 3.2 fb^{-1}, and used a primitive k-factor to do it (choosed 4 because it's the proportion to the ATLAS results). There are some discrepancies between my graph and the paper one that I must talk to Thiago. But it's something.

* bg.png:

The figure on the left side is from arXiv:1701.08780 [hep-ph].

I've got the right lepton veto using the reconstructed leptons instead of the generated leptons (I guess I was getting ALL of the generated leptons, instead of only the isolated ones). Less then 1% of the signal events were cut using this veto. My problem is still in the b-tagging and the MET cut. The number of events reduced by the MET cut is expected since I'm getting only the end of the tail events (I'll understand this sentence every time). The b-tagging is excluding almost 100% of the signal events, and that is disturbing.

To solve it, I've generated some new signal events TREES from Delphes for the 3 dark Higgs masses (10000 events each), which contain the gen particle, the MET, the jet, gen jet, fat jet, gen fat jet, reco electrons and muons branches to do the b-tagging by hand and check what is happening. The folder is named DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test, and the files are DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test50, DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test70, DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test90. The macro genfatjet_macro.C was used in those files.

Also, I've build a macro (btagging_namao.C) to check Delphes b-tagging and it's WRONG! In the .root files, there is no b-tagging in the jets, but when I do it by hand, I find a lot (more than zero in this case) of b-tagged jets. I'm testing the jet->Flavor object also, and it seems to be working fine. Don't know what is the problem with Delphes. The next step is to implement my b-tagging in the real files and get the number of events that pass all of the requirements.

There is another new folder, the more_events_DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test since 10000 events aren't enough for what I need. Then I'll test the b-tagging again with the gen particles and the jet->Flavor option. The files inside the folder (and in the Delphes folder) are more_events_DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test50, more_events_DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test70, more_events_DM_signal_withelecmuon_btagging_test90 and I've used the macro btagging_namao.C to check the b-tagging. These files will be used for the signal number of events prediction.

  • The signal was simulated using 30000 events for each mass of the dark Higgs, with the following luminosities (fb^-1):
    • m_{hs} = 50 geV - 41,24;
    • m_{hs} = 70 geV - 50,64;
    • m_{hs} = 90 geV - 61,71.

Tried to solve the NLO problem on MadGraph, but my knowledge doesn't allow me to do it. Must also talk to Thiago about it. I've even tried to use what CLASHEP taught me, but it didn't worked because there is something else missing.


I've had some problems generating processes at NLO or using access2, but everything seems to be solved. Apparently the macro for analyzing the events is finished (I HOPE SO), and the results i've already got concerning the dark Higgs events are different from the paper results. I need to show everyone this results at the weekly meeting. 300k events of dark Higgs for each of the masses 50 GeV, 70 GeV and 90 GeV were generated using access2, and the ROOT files are there, and also at my folder /Delphes-3.1.4 and are called 300k_*gev.root.

The NLO processes are difficult to generate, and I'm trying to not follow the paper on this, but it seems very hard. The processes at NLO are p p > b b~ vl vl~ [QCD] and p p > b b~ vl l [QCD]. I think that the processes p p > z z [QCD] and p p > z w [QCD] with their decays specified in the madspin card, need to be added by hand, since madgraph at NLO is not giving them in the feynman diagrams. The process p p > b b~ vl vl~ QED<=4 [QCD] gave ALL the Feynman diagrams, but the software couldn't run (apparently there was some problem in the param_card.dat).


Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng ALL_backgrounds_mJ-1.png r1 manage 67.7 K 2019-04-08 - 17:49 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf ALL_backgrounds_mJ.pdf r1 manage 13.8 K 2019-04-08 - 17:41 UnknownUser All backgrounds important for the dark Higgs model
PNGpng bg.png r1 manage 53.3 K 2019-05-08 - 12:37 UnknownUser  
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Topic revision: r10 - 2019-06-06 - brenoorzari

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