Chart Plugin

This plugin helps you visualize data in TWiki tables as charts, using a default linear scale or an optional semi-logarithmic scale.


Six types of charts, line, area, bar, scatter, combo, and spark are currently available:

Type of Chart Name What it Does Example
Area area Shows a chart using areas under a line to represent the data
Bar bar Shows a chart using bars to represent the data
Line line Shows a chart using simple lines, points only, or lines with points to represent the data.
Note: Any areas that fall behind already drawn areas are drawn as lines to make them visible
Scatter scatter Shows a scatter chart (XY data points) and allows mixing area or bar with line, point, and pline
Combo combo Shows a chart combining the features from area or bar with line, point, and pline
Note: Formally known as arealine which is still supported
Sparkline sparkline Shows a sparkline. Sparklines are small graphs that are part of the flow of a sentence or paragraph.
Sparkbar sparkbar Shows a sparkline in the shape of small bars.
Sparkarea sparkarea Shows a sparkline in the shape of an area.

The %CHART{...}% variable gets expanded to an image representing the chart. Parameters and global settings determine the type of chart, dimensions, and values.

ChartPlugin Global Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. Do not change the settings here, overload them in Main.TWikiPreferences. To overload a plugin setting, prefix it with CHARTPLUGIN_. For example, to overload the BGCOLOR setting, add a * Set CHARTPLUGIN_BGCOLOR = ... bullet in Main.TWikiPreferences.

  • Short description:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Visualize TWiki tables with area charts, bar charts, line graphs, scatter charts and sparklines

  • Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in data/debug.txt. Default: 0
    • Set DEBUG = 0

  • Set CACHE to 1 to enable caching of topic data. So if you have 1 topic page with numerous charts, the topic page will only be parsed once for table data for all charts instead of once for each chart.
    • Set CACHE = 0

  • Default chart used: area, line, bar, scatter or combo. Default: line
    • Set TYPE = line

  • Default dimensions, scale and colors for a chart. See details in the syntax rules.
    • Set WIDTH = 400
    • Set HEIGHT = 250
    • Set AREA_COLORS = #FF3333, #FFFF33, #33FF33, #CC66FF, #99FFFF, #FFCC00, #008000, #FF8080, #3366CC, #800080
    • Set LINE_COLORS = #FF0000, #FFCC00, #00CC00, #FF00FF, #33CCCC, #FF8000, #009900, #FF6666, #3333FF, #800080
  • Define the default background colors. The first color is the area outside of the chart, the second color is the area inside the chart, and the third color is the color inside of data label boxes.

  • Define the number of grids and grid color. When xgrid/ygrid = "on", then just use the first color when drawing grid lines. When their value is "dot", then use the full specification for drawing the grid lines ("transparent" can be used to introduce holes in the line). By default, the system will auto calculate the number of Y grids to draw (up to a max of 9). Specify a value for NUMYGRIDS for a system wide absolute defautl setting.
    • Set GRIDCOLOR = #808080, #808080, #808080, transparent, transparent, transparent
    • Set NUMYGRIDS =
  • Define the chart border color. Can be 'transparent';
    • Set BORDERCOLOR = #000000

  • Define what to do when an empty table cell is found. "none" means assume no default value. A value of "10" would mean empty cells would be assumed to have a value of 10
    • Set DEFAULTDATA = none

  • Define the default scale: linear or semilog
    • Set SCALE = linear

  • Define the number of pixels wide lines are drawn with
    • Set LINEWIDTH = 3

  • Define the number of pixels (in both the X and Y directions) to use when drawing a point
    • Set POINTSIZE = 5

  • The following bar parameters are now obsolete and are no longer used. They are replaced with the new bar parameters shown below.
    • Set BARSPACE = 5
  • New bar chart specific parameters. The following values are all relative to each other and define the relative sizes of various bar widths. BARLEADINGSPACEUNITS defines how wide the space is before the first bar. BARTRAILINGSPACEUNITS defines how wide the space is after the last bar. BARSPACEUNITS defines how wide the space is between bars. BARWIDTHUNITS defines how wide the actual bars are.
  • The following parameters are specific to sparkbar and are all relative to each other and define the relative sizes of various spark bar widths. SPARKBARSPACEUNITS defines how wide the space is between spark bars and SPARKBARWIDTHUNITS defines how wide the actual spark bars are.

  • Define the default error generation behavior. Are any errors shown as simple text, inside of an image, or no error at all with none
    • Set SHOWERROR = text

Syntax Rules

The %CHART{...}% variable gets expanded to an image representing the chart.

  • Some parameters expect a range of table cells, using extended SpreadSheetPlugin syntax:
    • A single table cell can be addressed as R1:C1 where cell addresses are:
      R1:C1 R1:C2 R1:C3 R1:C4
      R2:C1 R2:C2 R2:C3 R2:C4
  • A range of table cells is defined by two cell addresses separated by "..". For example, "row 1-20, column 3" is: R1:C3..R20:C3 and "row 15-5, column 2" is: R15:C2..R5:C2
  • Ranges can be discontinuous. Discontinous ranges are joined using "+" or ",". For example: R4:C1..R5:C2+R9:C1..R15:C2.
  • When you are specifying datasets, you specify the range so that you have one data set per row (column). You can also specify multiple data sets using discontinuous blocks of cells; for example, R4:C1..R5:C2,R9:C1..R10:C2 specifies 4 data sets: R4:C1..R4:C2, R5:C1..R5:C2, R9:C1..R9:C2 and R10:C1..R10:C2
  • It is possible to specify a constant value instead of a range of table cells. For example: R1:C3..R20:C3,0 as a data or data2 value would create a data set with the constant value = 0 which could be used to highlight the zero line when data is both negative and positive, or R1:C1..R1:C3,0 as a datalegend value would set the legend of the 4th data set = 0.
  • + has higher precedence than ,
  • All parameters ending with 2 (like: data2 and ylabel2) are relative to the right Y axis. The default is relative to the left Y axis.

%CHART% Parameter Comment Default
type The type of chart to create. One of "area", "bar", "line", "scatter", "combo", "sparkline", "sparkbar", or "sparkarea" Global TYPE setting
subtype and subtype2 Sub type of selected data. subtype applies to data while subtype2 applies to data2. Supported values depend on chart type:  
- for type="area":     subtype="area" "area"
- for type="bar":      subtype="bar" "bar"
- for type="line":     subtype="line, point, pline" (point line) "line"
- for type="scatter":  subtype="area, bar, line, point, pline"
Note: you cannot mix area and bar on the same chart.
Note: It is not recommended using showing a bar on a scatter chart as the X axis placement is skewed with bar and will not exactly line up with drawn X axis values which will defeat the purpose of using scatter in the first place.
- for type="combo":    subtype="area, bar, line, point, pline" (note: you can not mix area and bar on the same chart) All but the last data set are drawn as "area" and the last is drawn as "line"
You can use a comma delimited list of values to set a specific subtype for each data set. For example "area, area, point, line" would say that the first two data sets are areas, the third is point and the last one is a line  
scale The scale to use when creating the chart. "linear" or "semilog" Global SCALE setting
name Name to uniquely identify the chart file that is auto-created. None; is required for all charts
web The web in which to find topic (specified below) in which to find the TWiki tables The current web
topic The topic in which to find the TWiki tables The current topic
table TWiki table used to build the chart. A numerical value refers to the table number, where "1" is the first table seen in a topic. Any other non-numeric string refers to a named table defined by the TABLE variable with a name parameter. For example, table="trends" refers to the table that is preceded by %TABLE{ name="trends" }%. "1"
title The title placed at the top of the chart None
xlabel The label placed under the X axis describing the X values None
ylabel and ylabel2 The label placed to the left of the left Y axis (ylabel) or right of the right Y axis (ylabel2) describing the Y values None
data and data2 The source data displayed on the chart. Values specified with data are displayed relative to the left Y axis while values specified with data2 are displayed relative to the right Y axis. In both cases, they define either a range of table cells or explicit data values. For example for type="line", a data="R2:C3..R999:C6" would say that four lines were to be drawn with the first line being rows 2-999 column 3 and last line being rows 2-999 column 6. In the case of a scatter graph, data represents the actual Y values. Note: Reversed data is allowed so data="R999:C6..R2:C3" is a legal data specification. Explicit data is also allowed so data="R999:C6..R2:C3,0" would draw 5 lines, the first 4 coming from the table and the 5th having a constant value of 0. None; is required for all charts
defaultdata If there is sparse data, then use the value specified by defaultdata to fill in the missing data. A value of "none" means only draw actual data points. Global DEFAULTDATA setting
xaxis X-Axis labels: The values are defined as a range of table cells. In case of scatter graph, xaxis represents the actual X values. The range also defines the orientation -- row or column oriented (if specified). For example "R2:C2..R999:C2" would take all of column 2 starting at row 2 and going through row 999. It would also denote that all remaining data is oriented columnar. None. Is required for type="scatter". If not specified, then no X axis labels shown and data assumed to be in columnar format.
xaxisangle Angle the X-Axis labels are drawn. Only two angles are supported at this time, "0" draws horizontal labels, other numbers draw vertical labels "0"
yaxis and yaxis2 Y-Axis labels for the left Y axis and the right Y axis: "on" to show the labels, "off" for no labels. "off"
xmin Minimum value drawn on the X axis. Note: this is only applicable for scatter charts. The minimum value specified by xaxis
xmax Maximum value drawn on the X axis. Note: this is only applicable for scatter charts. The maximum value specified by xaxis
ymin and ymin2 Minimum value drawn on the left (ymin) and right (ymin2) Y axis The minimum value specified by data and data2
ymax and ymax2 Maximum value drawn on the left (ymax) and right (ymax2) Y axis The maximum value specified by data and data2
xgrid Grid shown for X axis: "on" for solid grid lines, "dot" for dotted grid lines, "off" for none. "dot"
ygrid Grid shown for Y axis: "on" for solid grid lines, "dot" for dotted grid lines, "off" for none. "dot"
numygrids Number of Y axis grids drawn Global NUMYGRIDS setting
ytics and ytics2 Number of tic marks to draw between Y axis grid lines for the left (ytics) and right (ytics2) Y axis. If scale="semilog", then ytics="10", else defaults to "0"
numxgrids Number of X axis grids drawn. This can be used if there are a large number of X axis data points such that the X axis labels overlap. Draw all X-Axis labels
datalabel and datalabel2 Shows data value labels above drawn data points for data and data2 data. Possible values are:
"off" Do not show any data value labels
"on" Show the data value labels for all data points
"box" Show the data value labels inside of a box for all data points
"auto" Show the data value labels for only data points falling on an X-axis grid line. This option should be used when there are a lot of data points and the data values start to be drawn on top of each other making them impossible to read.
"autobox" or
"auto box" or
"boxauto" or
"box auto"
Show the data value labels inside of a box for only data points falling on an X-axis grid line. This option should be used when there are a lot of data points and the data values start to be drawn on top of each other making them impossible to read.
(an integer number)
Show the first and last data value labels along with trying to show (## - 2) additional data value labels in between. An even distribution of data value labels will be shown so it is possible that fewer data value labels than requested will be displayed. For example with 16 data values charted, requesting "7", "8", or "9" data value labels would only show a total of 8.
"##box" or
"## box" or
"box##" or
"box ##"
Show the first and last data value labels inside of a box along with trying to show (## - 2) additional data value labels (in boxes) in between. An even distribution of data value labels will be shown so it is possible that fewer data value labels than requested will be displayed. For example with 16 data values charted, requesting "7", "8", or "9" data value labels would only show a total of 8.
legend Legend shown to the right of the chart. For example "R1:C3..R1:C6" would take all of row 1 starting at column 3 and going through column 6 as the name/legend of each set of data points None; no legend if not specified
width Defines the overall width of the chart in pixels.
Note: if type="sparkbar" and width="0", then the width will be auto computed to be the minimum width to allow easily readable spark bars.
Global WIDTH setting
height Defines the overall height of the chart in pixels. Global HEIGHT setting
alt Alternate text for chart image Empty alt tag
colors and colors2 A list of colors defining the color of each set of data points for data and data2. Color values are of the form: Hexadecimal RGB color "#ffffff" or "transparent" Global LINE_COLORS setting for lines; global AREA_COLORS setting for area
bgcolor Background color of the area surrounding/outside the chart, the area inside the chart, and the data label boxes. Color values are of the form: Hexadecimal RGB color "#ffffff" or "transparent". For example, "#e7e7e7" sets a light gray background (outside the chart) color. Optionally specify a second values for the chart background itself (the inside color) and an optional third value which is the value of the color to fill data label boxes with. For example, "#e7e7e7, #ffffc0" defines a chart with a light yellow inside background on a light gray outside, with default data label box background color. Global BGCOLOR setting
gridcolor Colors/style of the grid (if any). If xgrid="on" or ygrid="on" then use the first gridcolor for drawing solid grid lines. If xgrid="dot" or ygrid="dot", then use the full set of colors to define the line style for drawing the grid lines. "transparent" can be used to introduce holes in the line." Global GRIDCOLOR setting
linewidth Width of data lines in pixel Global LINEWIDTH setting
pointsize Size of data points in pixel Global POINTSIZE setting
showerror Specify how any error messages are handled. Possible values are:
  • "text" -- all error messages are produced as regular (red) text
  • "image" -- all error message are placed inside of an image sized according to the size of the chart if there were no error.
  • "none" or "no" -- no error messages are produced. HTML text of   is returned
Global SHOWERROR setting
errmsg_nodata and errmsg_nodata2 errmsg_nodata: Specify a custom error message when no data is available. errmsg_nodata2: Specify a custom error message when no data in data2 is available.
These are useful when this plugin is charting data from %DBI_QUERY% and no data is returned from this query and you want your own custom error message instead of the generic plugin error message.
Default plugin error message.
(other parameters) Other parameters are passed on to the img tag. Useful to add additional image parameters like align="right" None

Note: To support legacy syntax, datatype maps to subtype, arealine maps to combo.


Assuming the following three TWiki tables. The first shows the data oriented in columns while the seconds shows the data oriented in rows

Table 1
Year Actual
1998 9
1999 14
2000 19
2001 25
2002 39
  Table 2:
Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Low 8 10 13 17 22
Target 10 12 17 20 25
High 12 15 19 24 29
Actual 9 14 15 19 27
  Table 3:
X Y1 Y2 Y3
3 1 3 7
6 5 8 10
11 3 5 9
10 1 3 7
8 2 3 8

Type of chart You type You should get... ...if installed
area Multiple areas

%CHART{name="area1" table="exampleTable2" type="area" data="R2:C2..R99:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C99" legend="R2:C1..R99:C1" ymax="30" width="225" height="200" numygrid="4"}%
%CHART{name="area1" table="exampleTable2" type="area" data="R2:C2..R99:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C99" legend="R2:C1..R99:C1" ymax="30" width="225" height="200" numygrid="4"}%
bar Multiple bars

%CHART{name="bar1" table="exampleTable2" type="bar" data="R3:C2..R99:C4" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C4" legend="R3:C1..R99:C1" ymin="0" ymax="19" numygrids="9" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="bar1" table="exampleTable2" type="bar" data="R3:C2..R99:C4" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C4" legend="R3:C1..R99:C1" ymin="0" ymax="19" numygrids="9" width="225" height="200"}%
line Simple line

%CHART{name="line1" table="exampleTable1" type="line" data="R2:C2..R6:C2" xaxis="R2:C1..R6:C1" legend="R1:C2..R1:C2" ymin="5" ymax="40" numygrids="6" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="line1" table="exampleTable1" type="line" data="R2:C2..R6:C2" xaxis="R2:C1..R6:C1" legend="R1:C2..R1:C2" ymin="5" ymax="40" numygrids="6" width="225" height="200"}%
line Multiple lines

%CHART{name="line2" table="exampleTable2" type="line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="line2" table="exampleTable2" type="line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
scatter Multiple scatter

%CHART{name="scatter1" table="exampleTable3" type="scatter" subtype="pline" data="R2:C2..R6:C4" xaxis="R2:C1..R6:C1" legend="R1:C2..R1:C4" ymin="1" ymax="10" xmax="12" numygrids="8" numxgrids="8" linewidth="1" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="scatter1" table="exampleTable3" type="scatter" subtype="pline" data="R2:C2..R6:C4" xaxis="R2:C1..R6:C1" legend="R1:C2..R1:C4" ymin="1" ymax="10" xmax="12" numygrids="8" numxgrids="8" linewidth="1" width="225" height="200"}%
combo Combo with area, pline, point, & line

%CHART{name="combo1" table="exampleTable2" type="combo" subtype="area, pline, point, line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" numxgrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="combo1" table="exampleTable2" type="combo" subtype="area, pline, point, line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" numxgrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
combo Combo with bar, pline, point, & line

%CHART{name="combo2" table="exampleTable2" type="combo" subtype="bar, pline, point, line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" numxgrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
%CHART{name="combo2" table="exampleTable2" type="combo" subtype="bar, pline, point, line" data="R2:C2..R5:C6" xaxis="R1:C2..R1:C6" legend="R2:C1..R5:C1" ymin="5" ymax="30" numygrids="4" numxgrids="4" width="225" height="200"}%
sparkline sparkline

%CHART{name="sparkline" type="sparkline" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%

%CHART{name="sparkline" type="sparkline" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%
sparkbar sparkbar

%CHART{name="sparkbar1" type="sparkbar" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%

%CHART{name="sparkbar1" type="sparkbar" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%
sparkbar sparkbar (width="0" so the width will be auto sized)

%CHART{name="sparkbar2" type="sparkbar" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="0" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%

%CHART{name="sparkbar2" type="sparkbar" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="0" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%
sparkarea sparkarea

%CHART{name="sparkarea" type="sparkarea" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%

%CHART{name="sparkarea" type="sparkarea" data="88, 84, 82, 92, 82, 86, 66, 82, 44, 64, 66, 88, 96, 80, 24, 26, 14, 0, 0, 26, 8, 6, 6, 24, 52, 66, 36, 6, 10, 14, 30" width="75" height="16" colors='#224262' bgcolor='transparent'}%

The "if installed" column shows images instead of variables in case the plugin is installed correctly.

Charts with SEARCH and CALC

Charts can be created dynamically based on TWiki tables with SEARCH and CALC.

SEARCH: Create a table dynamically with a formatted search, then visualize it with a CHART. If the number of rows in a table is not known, specify a big row number in the CHART, such as data="R2:C2..R999:C7". The ChartPlugin is smart enough to use the actual number of rows.

CALC: Table cells can be created dynamically with SpreadSheetPlugin formulas. Here is an example table that sums up the total in the right hand column:

Raw text of table:
|   | A | B | Total |
| 1 | 7 | 9 | %CALC{$SUM(R$ROW():C1..R$ROW():C3)}% |
| 2 | 5 | 2 | %CALC{$SUM(R$ROW():C1..R$ROW():C3)}% |
| 3 | 5 | 7 | %CALC{$SUM(R$ROW():C1..R$ROW():C3)}% |
  A B Total
1 7 9 17
2 5 2 9
3 5 7 15
  Resulting chart:
%CHART{ type="line" table="exampleTableWithCALC" name="line3" data="R2:C2..R4:C7" legend="R1:C2..R1:C7" xaxis="R2:C1..R4:C1" yaxis="on" datalabel="on" ymin="0" ymax="20" width="250" height="140" }%

ALERT! Attention: You can get unexpected results if you INCLUDE a topic that has a CHART pointing to a table with CALCs. By default, the SpreadSheetPlugin delays CALCs in included topics and evaluates them once all INCLUDEs are processed. With that, the CHART in an included topic sees unprocessed CALCs, resulting in a chart with incorrect values. To get he desired result you need to set the following preference setting in the topic that includes the topic containing the CHART:


This setting tells the SpreadSheetPlugin to process the CALCs in the included page, e.g. it will not delay the evaluation of the formulas.


  • A graphics file in PNG or GIF format is created containing the chart results. The file is placed in %PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/_ChartPlugin_<type>_<name>.png or .gif (GIF for GD version 1.19 or older)
  • %CHART{...}% gets expanded to an <img ... /> image tag.

Error Handling

If the required parameters are not defined, then an error message is returned or an <img ... /> image tag is returned pointing to a graphic containing the error message.

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the TWiki server.

  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.

  • Or, follow these manual installation steps:
    • Download the ZIP file from the extension home on (see below).
    • Unzip in your twiki installation directory.
    • Set the ownership of the extracted directories and files to the webserver user.
    • Install the dependencies (if any).

  • Plugin configuration and testing:
    • Run the configure script and enable the plugin in the Plugins section.
    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful using the examples provided.

  • Check above examples if the "if installed" column shows images instead of variables.
  • Check ChartPluginTests for some more tests

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
Copyright: © 2002-2013 Peter Thoeny,
© 2008-2013 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2013-05-23
2013-05-23: TWikibug:Item7265: ChartPlugin: generating PNG is not optional.
2013-05-16: TWikibug:Item7154: Use TWISTY in installation instructions and change history
2012-12-10: TWikibug:Item7069: ChartPlugin doesn't support multiple disks
2012-11-11: TWikibug:Item7020: Categorize TWiki Variable CHART
2012-09-20: TWikibug:Item6939: Use existing image file after "makeChart" subroutine fails to write.
2012-09-08: TWikibug:Item6837: Doc fixes
2011-09-12: TWikibug:Item6800: Fix for using qw(...) as parentheses, which is deprecated in Perl 5.14 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-08-23: TWikibug:Item6791: Added new ChartPlugin default setting CACHE that allows users to either allow topic page caching or not -- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-08-02: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our" -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
  • TWikibug:Item6740: Add new parameters errmsg_nodata and errmsg_nodata2 providing the ability to specify a custom error message when there is no data to chart.
  • TWikibug:Item6742: Fixed spark data handing all inline data and no data from a table
-- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-06-01: TWikibug:Item6741: Minor doc fix -- TWiki:Main.EnriqueCadalso
2011-05-27: TWikibug:Item6735: Fix bug with constant data -- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-05-13: TWikibug:Item6701: Doc improvements; use transparent background for sparkline examples -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-05-13: -- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
  • TWikibug:Item6716: Add ability to support constant values in addtion to spreadsheet ranges.
  • TWikibug:Item6717: Fix bug with area colors when data2 is used.
  • TWikibug:Item6718: Add new types: sparkline, sparkbar, and sparkarea
  • TWikibug:Item6719: Retool how bar widths/spaces are used/calculated so they are now proportional instead of fixed sizing
-- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-05-05: TWikibug:Item6714: Enhance error processing by adding showerror option.
-- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
  • TWikibug:Item6709: Fix runtime warnings.
  • TWikibug:Item6705: Remove dependency on TWiki:Plugins.SetGetPlugin
  • TWikibug:Item6706: Add support for both a left and right Y-axis (plus new tests).
  • TWikibug:Item6707: Add ability to change the datalabel background color (plus new tests).
  • TWikibug:Item6703: Added greater control over number of datalabels drawn (plus new tests).
  • TWikibug:Item6708: Remove custom plugin parameter parser instead using TWiki::Attrs.
-- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-04-27: -- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2011-04-26: Fixed bugs:
  • TWikibug:Item6691: Fixed missing reverse tables
  • TWikibug:Item6691: Fixed semilog bug where data values didn't match yaxis values.
  • TWikibug:Item6692: Fixed bug where data containing HTML or TWiki links was not parsed correctly
  • TWikibug:Item6693: Fixed bug where if all data was identical, an error was generated about there being no height to the chart. Now in this case, the ymax will be forced to the next higher value so the data will be drawn.
  • TWikibug:Item6694: Fixed bug with handling of numxgrids parameter.
  • TWikibug:Item6695: improved reversed data charting
  • TWikibug:Item6695: Added improved support for reversed data ranges so bottom/up or right/left data can now be specified.
  • TWikibug:Item6696: Improved default values for X/Y axis min/max to be moved up (for max) or down (for min) nearest 1*, 2*, 5* range
  • TWikibug:Item6697: Added xmin and xmax for greater scatter chart specificaion.
  • TWikibug:Item6698: Allow single quote ' in parameters in addition to ".
  • TWikibug:Item6699: Added caching of table processing in a topic so multiple charts on the same topic page will only parse the topic page once instead of each time a chart was created.
  • Updated the tests topic to be more human readable in raw mode by using %SET{}% and %GET{}%.
  • Added new tests to ChartPluginTests.
-- TWiki:Main.TaitCyrus
2010-11-04: TWikibug:Item6600: Better doc of data parameter in the case of a scatter graph -- TWiki:Main.VickiBrown
2010-06-26: TWikibug:Item6003: Document CHARTs with SEARCHes and CALC in an INCLUDEd topic
2010-04-07: TWikibug:Item6160: Fixed taint issue with certain combination of Perl/GD; TWikibug:Item6329 - input validation for chart width and height; added VarCHART variable documentation page -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2009-10-23: TWikibug:Item6355: Fixed bug where chart not drawn if table at end of topic; Item6329: Added input validation for all parameters expected to be integers or real numbers - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
18 May 2007: Added discontinuous ranges - TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
16 Nov 2004: V1.401 - Added benchmarks (no code changes)
30 Aug 2004: V1.400 - Added support for subtype="bar" (includes various global bar settings), updated gridcolor to not only define the grid color but allowing the user to define the line style (for drawing user defined dotted lines), add a global for how wide lines are drawn instead of a hard coded value, change the order of how things are drawn so now the order is: areas, grid lines and X/Y axis labels, bars, lines/points/plines, rectangle around chart, data point labels, chart title/X/Y labels, and finally the legends.
13 May 2004: V1.300 - Added support for type="scatter"; renamed type="arealine" to "combo" (arealine is undocumented); renamed datatype to subtype (datatype is undocumented); added subtype options "point" and "pline", added new settings GRIDCOLOR, DEFAULTDATA, POINTSIZE; fixed bug with how the number of grids were drawn
17 Oct 2003: V1.201 - Fix boundary cases with semilog scale
16 Oct 2003: V1.200 - Add new options of scale and ytics.
16 Jun 2003: V1.100 - Add support for reversed tables (R999..R1), add new options of xaxisangle, numxgrids, and defaultdata, and allow sparse data.
7 Oct 2002: V1.003 - Improved performance, fixed bugs with color allocation, auto-legend placement and parsing of numbers in tables. Also bumped the upper value when numbers switch from decimal format to engineering format
13 Sept 2002: V1.002 - Add support for better placement of legends so they don't overlap, add auto ymin/ymax determination if not specified, add bgcolor and numygrids options
27 Jun 2002: V1.001 - Data range specified is clipped to actual table size; more forgiving data parsing by extracting first numeral from a table cell, e.g. extract 25 from <u>25%</u>
20 Jun 2002: Initial version (V1.000)
TWiki dependencies: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
Dependencies: gd (see
CPAN Dependencies CPAN:GD, CPAN:POSIX, CPAN:Text::Wrap
Benchmarks: GoodStyle 96%, FormattedSearch 97%, ChartPlugin 69%
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: VarCHART, ChartPluginTests, ChartPluginTestsRemote, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-05-23 - TWikiContributor
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