For Newcomers


Please sees also the page GOING TO CERN and the instructions for NEW USERS

e-Mail hints

Please read carefully the rules:

Access to TWiki and SPRACE Google Drive

In order to have access to the private pages of the SPRACE TWiki and to the SPRACE Google Drive you should:

  • Make your registration in LDAP database of NCC at
  • Please choose "GridUNESP user" and, in the option "Research Project" , choose "São Paulo Research and Analysis Center (Sérgio Ferraz Novaes)"
  • If you need to change your password, please use the link An e-mail will be sent to your account with further instructions
  • To access the SPRACE Google Drive, you will need to contact Prof. Novaes via e-mail to get a "" account in Google

Distribution Lists

SPRACE has several different distribution lists accordingly to subject/interest:

NameSorted ascending Post Address Description
ALL All members of the SPRACE Group
ALL All members of the Thematic Project
COM Computing and Networking interestes
DM Dark Matter group
ENG Engineer and instrumentation
HI Heavy Ions group
ML Machine Learning group
PA Associate Investigators of the Thematic Project
PD Postdocs of the Thematic Project
PHY Physics analysis group
PP Principal Investigators of the Thematic Project
QC Quantum Computing group
ST Students (MS, PhD) of the Thematic Project
TS Technical Staff of the Thematic Project

In order to be included in any of those lists, please contact us


Please always use our Templates for reports, internal notes, presentations, etc. The one for the SPRACE project are provided at:

Rules on Acknowledgements

FAPESP Thematic Project

The FAPESP Thematic Project contract has some very specific rules in Article 7 about the acknowledgements regarding grants in different situations. Everybody who participates in the project must comply with those rules. All theses, dissertations, articles, books, conference abstracts and proceedings, white papers, press releases, webpages, or any other ways of dissemination that was totally or partially supported by FAPESP must contain the due acknowledgements to the funding agency. Articles published in peer reviewed scientific journals must contain the acknowledgements as:
  • This material is based upon work supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under Grant No. 2018/25225-9.
All other forms of publications (including webpages) must also contain the disclaimer:
  • Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAPESP.

Padtec Supported Activities

In the same way as above, all the publications, even SPRACE internal notes, authored by the Engineers and Physicists working on the instrumentation project, must include the following acknowledgement at the end:
  • This material is based upon work supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under Grant No. 2013/01907-0 and by funds provided by the cooperation agreement with PADTEC S/A under FUNDUNESP Grant No. 2215/2013.

Intel Supported Projects

All the publications authored by scientists supported by the “Intel® AI Academy” project must include the following acknowledgement:

  • This material is based upon work supported in part by funds provided by Intel® AI Academy program under Fundunesp Grant No.2597.2017.

All the publications authored by scientists supported by the “Intel® Parallel Computing Center” (Intel® PCC) project must include the following acknowledgement:

  • This material is based upon work supported by funds provided by Intel Corporation to the Center for Scientific Computing at the São Paulo State University under FUNDUNESP Grant No. 2323/2014.

The scientists supported by the “Intel Code Modernization Partner” (Intel® CMP) project must include the following acknowledgement:

  • This material is based upon work supported by funds provided by Intel Corporation to the Center for Scientific Computing at the São Paulo State University under FUNDUNESP Grant No. 2411/2015.

Resources of GridUnesp

If your work made use of any of the GridUnesp computing resources you must add in the acknowledgement:
  • This research was supported by resources supplied by the Center for Scientific Computing (NCC/GridUnesp) of the São Paulo State University (Unesp).

Other Institutions

If part of the work was performed in another institution, you must include:
  • We would like to thank , where part of this work was performed, for their kind hospitality during our stay.

For More Information

Hints on São Paulo

-- SergioNovaes - 13 Apr 2012

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