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srm Troubleshooting.


Connection Timeout

Third party transfers srmcp srm://A  srm://B are failling (except to FNAL).

  • Checked firewall iptables -vL
iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --dport 2811 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --dport 20000:25000 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 20000:25000 -j ACCEPT
  • Checked certificates (pools and servers) openssl verify -CApath /etc/grid-security/certificates/ /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
  • in our main server, osg-se, we increase our debug level ( srm.batch and gridftpdoor.batch )
set printout default 4
Investigating looking at srm log
tail -f /opt/d-cache/libexec/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/logs/catalina.out 

  • Upgrade to dcache 1.9.0-10 : Not works.
Some parameters changed:
  • To avoid "connection timeout" on FTS transfers is necessary to change (server and pools):
vim /opt/d-cache/config/gridftpdoor.batch
set context -c performanceMarkerPeriod 10
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache restart gridftp-spraid01Domain
Not solved our main problem yet.
  • Transfers between our storage areas
    srcmp srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/test.1srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/test.1 
    , it solved, at the same file above:
set context -c gsiftpAdapterInternalInterface
But not solved our main problem Configuration removed: works without it
  • some srm changes /opt/d-cache/config/srm.batch :
set context -c srmVacuum            false 
set context -c srmPutReqThreadPoolSize               500
set context -c srmCopyReqThreadPoolSize               500
set context -c srmGetLifeTime      28800000
et context -c srmPutLifeTime      28800000
set context -c srmCopyLifeTime     28800000
set context -c remoteGsiftpMaxTransfers 550
and restarted our admin. None success. Configuration removed: works without it
  • some tunning in all servers ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 20000 . Quality didn't increase.

  • From Savannah ticket:
I had a look at cmswiki, where there were more details of the problem, which
was solved by using MyProxy instead of delegation.

The problem is that the current delegation library is not able to handle new
style proxy certificates, which are generated by default with

See https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?34026

We rarely experience this problem, because we usually use
voms-proxy-init, which still generates old style proxy
certificates by default.

The workaround is to use

     grid-proxy-init -old

One can reproduce the problem by generating an old style
proxy after a new style proxy:

$ grid-proxy-init
$ mv /tmp/x509up_u$(id -u) /tmp/grid-proxy
$ voms-proxy-init -cert /tmp/grid-proxy -key /tmp/grid-proxy
$ grid-proxy-info
subject  : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic
Units/OU=Users/CN=szamsu/CN=452476/CN=Akos Frohner/CN=201855275/CN=proxy

The problematic credential had similar DN (see CN=1234/CN=proxy):
/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Paul Rossman 364403/CN=117294575/CN=proxy
To implement this workaround we changed to delegation, not using myproxy in our FTS. You need to remove both the -passfile and the -myproxy options from the PhEDEx ConfigPart.FTSDownload configuration. None positive results.

  • Testing if srm is ok. Some transfers works fine:
srmcp -2 -debug=true srm://cmssrm.fnal.gov:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/11/store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/LoadTest07_Debug_BR_SPRACE/US_FNAL/69/mediumfile.txt gsiftp://osg-se.sprace.org.br:2811//mdias/testes/mediumfile_from_fnal.gsiftp.osg-se.2 -protocols=gsiftp
srmcp -2 -debug=true  srm://srm-cms.cern.ch:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/castor/cern.ch/cms/store/test/smale.txt srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/smallfile_from_cern.osgse
srmcp -2 -debug=true  srm://gridka-dCache.fzk.de:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/gridka.de/cms/test/mediufile.sh srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/mediufile.txt
$ srmls  srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/smallfile_from_cern.osgse
  3033 /pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/smallfile_from_cern.osgse
$ srmls  srm://osg-se.sprace.org.br:8443/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/mediumfile_from_fnal.gsiftp.osg-se.2
  616920 /pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/mediumfile_from_fnal.gsiftp.osg-se.2

  • Another try: we changed in all gridftpdoor.batch files these parameters
set context -c gsiftpPoolManagerTimeout 5400
set context -c gsiftpMaxRetries 80 
set context -c gsiftpPoolManagerTimeout 3600
set context -c gsiftpMaxRetries 3 
to decrease some load in our gridftp and pnfs server.
  • More deep in our gridftp logs: comparing a failed transfer with a successful one, each stream dies with
02/27 09:59:41,214 FTP Door: Transfer error. Sending kill to pool spraid01_3 for mover 11950
02/27 09:59:41 Cell(GFTP-osg-se-Unknown-114@gridftp-osg-seDomain) :  CellMessage From   : [>spraid01_3@spraid01Domain:*@spraid01Domain:PoolManager@dCacheDomain:*@dCacheDomain]
02/27 09:59:41 Cell(GFTP-osg-se-Unknown-114@gridftp-osg-seDomain) :  CellMessage To     : [*@dCacheDomain:PoolManager@dCacheDomain:*@gridftp-osg-seDomain:>GFTP-osg-se-Unknown-114@gridftp-osg-seDomain]
02/27 09:59:41 Cell(GFTP-osg-se-Unknown-114@gridftp-osg-seDomain) :  CellMessage Object : (33)=Unexpected Exception : org.dcache.ftp.FTPException: Stream ended before EOD
02/27 09:59:41 Cell(GFTP-osg-se-Unknown-114@gridftp-osg-seDomain) : 
02/27 09:59:41,359 FTP Door: Transfer error. Removing incomplete file 000100000000000000D4ACF8: /pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/mdias/testes/mediumfile_from_fnal.gsiftp.osg-se.2_trivial
02/27 09:59:41,451 FTP Door: Failed to delete 000100000000000000D4ACF8: Not in trash: 000100000000000000D4ACF8
02/27 09:59:41,452 FTP Door: Transfer error: 451 Aborting transfer due to session termination
Insufficient number of streams? Let's improve it in our gridftpdoor.batch files (pool and server)
set context -c gsiftpMaxStreamsPerClient 20 #10
set context -c gsiftpMaxLogin                 300 #100
we tried again use our internal interface , to speed up
set context -c gsiftpAdapterInternalInterface  #was ""
set context -c gsiftpIoQueue                 WAN #was ""
and increased our memory in dCacheSetup
java_options="-server -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=2048m #was 512m
also we shutdown our billing for a moment

Network tunning

In each server/pools, we still with our "default tunning" procedures:
$ more /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0 
# turns TCP timestamp support off, default 1, reduces CPU use
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0 
# turn SACK support off, default on
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 87380 16777216
vm.min_free_kbytes = 65536
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
(We used RTT*Max_Bandwidth*1000/8 to guess these numbers, were Maximum bandwidth was 1000 and using 125 ms to FNAL ) where this changes can be made without reboot:
$ sysctl -p
We also changed
$/sbin/ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10000
$/sbin/ifconfig eth1 txqueuelen 10000

To start a analysis, we a simple gridftp transfer:

globus-url-copy -vb    gsiftp://cmsstor89.fnal.gov:2811///WAX/11/store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/LoadTest07_Prod_FNAL/LoadTest07_FNAL_B4 gsiftp://spraid01.sprace.org.br:2811//mdias/testes/fnal_test
Source: gsiftp://cmsstor89.fnal.gov:2811///WAX/11/store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/LoadTest07_Prod_FNAL/
Dest:   gsiftp://spraid01.sprace.org.br:2811//mdias/testes/
  LoadTest07_FNAL_B4  ->  fnal_test
      3932160 bytes         0.13 MB/sec avg         0.13 MB/sec inst

Our traceroute is (at spraid01)

$ traceroute cmsstor89.fnal.gov
traceroute to cmsstor89.fnal.gov (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1 (  0.413 ms  0.358 ms  0.332 ms
 2  143-108-254-241.ansp.br (  0.783 ms  0.738 ms  0.735 ms
 3  143-108-254-50.ansp.br (  0.991 ms  0.948 ms  1.037 ms
 4  ansp-whren-stm.ampath.net (  109.343 ms  109.513 ms  109.422 ms
 5  max-ampath.es.net (  140.242 ms  147.058 ms  140.413 ms
Icmp checksum is wrong
 6  clevcr1-ip-washcr1.es.net (  148.033 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  147.962 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  147.975 ms
Icmp checksum is wrong
 7  chiccr1-ip-clevcr1.es.net (  157.163 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  157.065 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  157.060 ms
Icmp checksum is wrong
 8  fnalmr1-ip-chiccr1.es.net (  158.444 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  158.557 msIcmp checksum is wrong
  158.798 ms
 9  fnalmr2-ip-fnalmr3.es.net (  158.240 ms  158.397 ms  158.205 ms
10  te4-2-esnet.r-s-bdr.fnal.gov (  158.373 ms  158.360 ms  158.376 ms
11 (  158.558 ms  158.443 ms  158.439 ms
12  vlan608.r-s-hub-fcc.fnal.gov (  158.424 ms  158.318 ms  158.325 ms
13  s-cms-fcc2.fnal.gov (  159.239 ms  159.613 ms  159.146 ms
14  cmsstor89.fnal.gov (  159.448 ms  159.104 ms  158.964 ms

We checked if we have hardware problems, looking for errors , dropped, overuns, frame or carrier failures at

# ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:43:E5:06:3A  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::211:43ff:fee5:63a/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:89324608 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:107777879 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10000 
          RX bytes:2694181555 (2.5 GiB)  TX bytes:4063241173 (3.7 GiB)
          Base address:0xecc0 Memory:df9e0000-dfa00000 

Some additional changes done:

ethtool -g eth0
ethtool -G eth1 rx 4096
  • Looking for package loss:
We installed bing locally:
wget http://debian.inode.at/debian/pool/main/b/bing/bing_1.1.3.orig.tar.gz
tar -xvzf bing_1.1.3.orig.tar.gz
cd bing_1.1.3
Using = -S = , type ctr-c to stop:
./bing -S 100 cmssrm.fnal.gov
Same errors at
 mtr cmssrm.fnal.gov -s 1000

Using this we estimate our package loss (osg-se) and we compare with shell.ift.unesp.br

for ((i=1024;i< 65507 ;i+=1024)); do export loss=`ping cmssrm.fnal.gov -c 20 -s $i |grep loss|cut -d' ' -f6`; echo $i $loss; done
in this graph:

  • perda_pacotes.jpeg

Also strange, about the speed to our gateway:

./bing -S 1000
host                      bandwidth       ms                        91.048Mbps       0.288
90 Mbps is lower than
ethtool eth0
    Speed: 1000Mb/s


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