import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms from GeneratorInterface.Pythia6Interface.pythiaDefault_cff import * generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter", pythiaVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False), comEnergy = cms.double(7000.0), PythiaParameters = cms.PSet( # Default (mostly empty - to keep PYTHIA default) card file # Name of the set is "pythiaDefault" pythiaDefaultBlock, # User cards - name is "myParameters" myParameters = cms.vstring('PMAS(32,1)= 4000. !mass of Zprime', 'MSEL=0 !(D=1) to select between full user control (0, then use MSUB) and some preprogrammed alternative', 'MSTP(44) = 3 !only select the Z process', 'MSUB(141) = 1 !ff gamma z0 Z0', 'MSTJ(11)=3 ! Choice of the fragmentation function', 'MSTJ(22)=2 !Decay those unstable particles', 'MSTP(2)=1 !which order running alphaS', 'MSTP(33)=0 !(D=0) inclusion of K factors in (=0: none, i.e. K=1)', 'MSTP(51)=7 !structure function chosen', 'MSTP(81)=1 !multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default', 'MSTP(82)=4 !Defines the multi-parton model', 'MSTU(21)=1 !Check on possible errors during program execution', 'PARJ(71)=10. !for which ctau 10 mm', 'PARP(82)=1.9 !pt cutoff for multiparton interactions', 'PARP(89)=1000. !sqrts for which PARP82 is set', 'PARP(84)=0.4 !Multiple interactions: matter distribution Registered by', 'PARP(90)=0.16 !Multiple interactions: rescaling power Registered by', 'PMAS(5,1)=4.2 !mass of b quark', 'PMAS(6,1)=175. !mass of top quark', 'PMAS(23,1)=91.187 !mass of Z', 'PMAS(24,1)=80.22 !mass of W', 'MDME(289,1)= 1 !d dbar', 'MDME(290,1)= 1 !u ubar', 'MDME(291,1)= 1 !s sbar', 'MDME(292,1)= 1 !c cbar', 'MDME(293,1)= 1 !b bar', 'MDME(294,1)= 0 !t tbar', 'MDME(295,1)= -1 !4th gen Q Qbar', 'MDME(296,1)= -1 !4th gen Q Qbar', 'MDME(297,1)= 1 !e e', 'MDME(298,1)= 0 !neutrino e e', 'MDME(299,1)= 1 ! mu mu', 'MDME(300,1)= 0 !neutrino mu mu', 'MDME(301,1)= 0 !tau tau', 'MDME(302,1)= 0 !neutrino tau tau', 'MDME(303,1)= -1 !4th generation lepton', 'MDME(304,1)= -1 !4th generation neutrino', 'MDME(305,1)= -1 !W W', 'MDME(306,1)= -1 !H charged higgs', 'MDME(307,1)= -1 !Z', 'MDME(308,1)= -1 !Z', 'MDME(309,1)= -1 !sm higgs', 'MDME(310,1)= -1 !weird neutral higgs HA'), # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order # The first two are in the include files below # The last one are simply my additional parameters parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaDefault', 'myParameters') ) )