# This file is read by SimG4Core/CustomPhysics/src/CustomParticleFactory.cc # The strings "decay", "pdg code", and "block", with correct capitalization, are used # to control the data input, so do not use these in any comments. BLOCK MASS # PDG code mass particle 1000022 6.99874146E+02 # ~neutralino(1) 1000024 7.00047607E+02 # ~chargino(1)+ -1000024 7.00047607E+02 # ~chargino(1)- Block # Set chargino lifetime # and decay: chargino -> neutralino + pion # chargino ctau = 100 cm # chargino tau = 3.3356409519815204 ns # chargino width = 1.9732697899999998e-16 GeV # PDG Width # DECAY 1000024 1.9732697899999998e-16 # +chargino decay # BR NDA ID1 ID2 1.0000 2 1000022 211 Block # PDG Width # DECAY -1000024 1.9732697899999998e-16 # -chargino decay # BR NDA ID1 ID2 1.0000 2 1000022 -211 Block EOF