#!/bin/sh export SCRAM_ARCH=slc4_ia32_gcc345 export BUILD_ARCH=slc4_ia32_gcc345 export VDT_LOCATION=/OSG source $VDT_LOCATION/setup.sh mkdir -p alpgen_prod cd alpgen_prod TOP=$PWD if [ $? == 1 ] ; then voms-proxy-init -voms cms:/cms/uscms fi export X509_USER_PROXY=$(voms-proxy-info -path) # define versions project=CMSSW version=2_2_9 # set up a CMSSW area export SW_DIR=/home/OSG_app/app/cmssoft/cms source $SW_DIR/cmsset_default.sh ${project}_${version} scramv1 project $project ${project}_${version} cd ${project}_${version}/src eval `scramv1 runtime -sh` #get grids from cvs export CVSROOT=:ext:mafd@cmscvs.cern.ch:/cvs_server/repositories/CMSSW export CVS_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh cvs co -r ${project}_${version} GeneratorInterface/AlpgenInterface #write your input form input_file=input cat >> $input_file << EOF 1 ! generation mode ttbar4j_40 ! string labeling the output files 0 ! start with: 0=new grid, 1=previous warmup grid, 2=previous generation grid 0 0 ! N(events)/iteration and N(iter's) for initial grid optimiz. Use 0 0 if starting from existing grid 50000000 ! number evts to generate *** The above 5 lines provide mandatory inputs for all processes *** (Comment lines are introduced by the three asteriscs) *** The lines below modify existing defaults for the hard process under study *** For a complete list of accessible parameters and their values, *** input 'print 1' (to display on the screen) or 'print 2' to write to file njets 4 ebeam 5000 ih2 1 ickkw 1 ptjmin 40 etajmax 5 drjmin 0.7 mt 175 ihvy 6 itdecmode 7 EOF #setup your alpgen version alpversion=213-cms2 alpgen_exec=$CMS_PATH/$SCRAM_ARCH/external/alpgen/$alpversion/bin/2Qgen #setup which grid we will use alpgen_grid=GeneratorInterface/AlpgenInterface/data/ttbar4j_40GeV.grid2 #Making it executable wget http://www.sprace.org.br/Twiki/pub//Main/AlpgenTimeAndSizeStudies/sprace_ALPGEN_submit.py.txt -O sprace_ALPGEN_submit.py python sprace_ALPGEN_submit.py $input_file $alpgen_exec $alpgen_grid