D0 Data Reprocessing

D0 data is often reprocessed using the last version of the D0 Reconstruction Software in order to become available for analysis.

Reprocessing were done for the P14, P17 and for P20 versions of the D0 Reconstruction Software:

  • P14: November 2003-January 2004
  • P17: March-November 2005
  • P20: February-June 2007

P17 Reprocessing

SPRACE has participated in the P17 Reprocessing, together with other 7 farms in Canada, USA, and Europe. 1 Billion events were reprocessed using SAMGrid infrastructure in all farms. SPRACE started the reprocessing in August 2005, and it was able to reprocess 10 Million events.

P20 Reprocessing

SPRACE has participated in the P20 Reprocessing, together with other 16 remote farms in Canada, USA, and Europe. The OSG interoperability was used to allow SAMGrid jobs to be executed in OSG clusters, and 400 Million events were reprocessed in those OSG remote farms. SPRACE was able to reprocess 18.4 Million events.

An updated statistic for the P20 Reprocessing can be seen here.

-- SergioNovaes - 18 Jan 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg REPRO_P17.jpg r1 manage 45.2 K 2008-01-18 - 18:31 SergioLietti P17 Reprocessing Status
JPEGjpg REPRO_P20.jpg r1 manage 79.9 K 2008-01-18 - 18:32 SergioLietti P20 Reprocessing Status

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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-01-18 - SergioLietti
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