ALPGEN 8TeV CMS Production

Grid Files

The grid files, produced by Alex, are in his public home in afs:


And in my personal afs area:


Unweighting and Matching Efficiency of Grid files

I have to run on the grid files to discover the efficiencies of producing:

  • Unweighted events, given a number of weighted events to produce;
  • Showered events, after matching procedure on PYTHIA, so we can deliver the correct amount of .lhe files.

The order of the grid files to run is:

  • W + jets
  • Z + jets
  • ttbar + jets
  • QCD

List of Grid Efficiencies

GridSorted descending .unw eff Matching eff
w0j_0ptw100.grid2 0.00 0.00
w0j_0ptw100.grid2 0.00 0.00

-- FlaviaDias - 04 Dec 2010

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Topic revision: r1 - 2010-12-04 - FlaviaDias
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