Alpgen Production 2008

  • Alpgen ttbar + N partons, N = 0,1,2,3,4
  • ptjmin = 30, 40, 50 GeV
  • Library: 2Qwork
  • Production of grid2 files.
  • Maria's rule of thumb: 5+N iterations, where N is the number of light (udsg) partons.
  • ~ 43000 events per minute.

Template file:

1          ! generation mode
ttbar4j_40 ! string labeling the output files
0          ! start with: 0=new grid, 1=previous warmup grid, 2=previous generation grid
4000000  5 ! N(events)/iteration and N(iter's) for initial grid optimiz
50000000   ! number evts to generate
*** The above 5 lines provide mandatory inputs for all processes
*** (Comment lines are introduced by the three asteriscs)
*** The lines below modify existing defaults for the hard process under study
*** For a complete list of accessible parameters and their values,
*** input 'print 1' (to display on the screen) or 'print 2' to write to file
njets 4
ebeam 5000
ih2 1
ickkw 1
ptjmin 40
etajmax 5
drjmin 0.7
mt 175
ihvy 6
itdecmode 7

  • Tried only 5 iterations for ttbar + 4 jets, trying now with 9 iterations and seeing if it makes a difference.

-- ThiagoTomei - 15 Dec 2008

  • Using the SPRACE cluster to generate 0,1,2,3 jets.
  • 4 jets still running in access.

Script to submit Alpgen generation jobs:

-- ThiagoTomei - 16 Dec 2008

Sample Events / cycle Cycles Asked events WGT events WGT Xsec (pb) Error (pb) UNW events UNW Xsec (pb) Error (pb) Unweighting efficiency Matched events Matching Xsec (pb) Error (pb) Matched efficiency
ttbar0j_30GeV 4000000 5 50000000 6462816 2.02E+03 1.06E+01 1136665 1.90E+02 9.47E-02 2.27E-002 702390 1.18E+02 0.618
ttbar0j_40GeV 4000000 5 50000000 6462816 2.02E+03 1.06E+01 1136665 1.90E+02 9.47E-02 2.27E-002 795122 1.33E+02 0.700
ttbar0j_50GeV 4000000 5 50000000 6462816 2.02E+03 1.06E+01 1136665 1.90E+02 9.47E-02 2.27E-002 860824 1.44E+02 0.757
ttbar1j_30GeV 4000000 6 50000000 2120429 1.53E+03 9.33E+00 424774 1.64E+02 1.21E-01 8.50E-003 159965 6.18E+01 0.377
ttbar1j_40GeV 4000000 6 50000000 2350711 1.17E+03 9.61E+00 453316 1.21E+02 8.66E-02 9.07E-003 194990 5.21E+01 0.430
ttbar1j_50GeV 4000000 6 50000000 2585228 9.08E+02 9.70E+00 506646 9.37E+01 6.56E-02 1.01E-002 236252 4.37E+01 0.466
ttbar2j_30GeV 4000000 7 50000000 190817 7.52E+02 7.57E+00 35558 8.73E+01 2.03E-01 7.11E-004 8410 2.06E+01 0.237
ttbar2j_40GeV 4000000 7 50000000 237619 4.35E+02 7.89E+00 46028 4.94E+01 9.63E-02 9.21E-004 12701 1.36E+01 0.276
ttbar2j_50GeV 4000000 7 50000000 298591 2.75E+02 8.07E+00 59939 3.07E+01 5.29E-02 1.20E-003 18102 9.27E+00 0.302
ttbar3j_30GeV 4000000 8 50000000 262729 4.15E+02 8.65E+00 39244 3.49E+01 6.64E-02 7.85E-004 5835 5.19E+00 0.149
ttbar3j_40GeV 4000000 8 50000000 376197 1.88E+02 9.15E+00 48051 1.54E+01 2.58E-02 9.61E-004 8515 2.74E+00 0.177
ttbar3j_50GeV 4000000 8 50000000 339983 1.00E+02 9.82E+00 56262 7.87E+00 1.26E-02 1.13E-003 11006 1.54E+00 0.196
ttbar4j_30GeV 4000000 9 50000000 208188 2.02E+02 1.03E+01 20263 1.15E+01 2.53E-02 4.05E-004 2760 1.56E+00 0.136
ttbar4j_40GeV 4000000 9 50000000 155193 7.33E+01 1.13E+01 25736 4.04E+00 8.59E-03 5.15E-004 3854 6.05E-01 0.150
ttbar4j_50GeV 4000000 9 50000000 180885 3.09E+01 1.14E+01 30121 1.71E+00 3.56E-03 6.02E-004 4854 2.75E-01 0.161

-- ThiagoTomei - 17 Dec 2008

Grids done. Running showering and matching now. Efficiencies seem to come down a little bit too low. The matching is done with:

  • ETCLUS = 1.2*ptjmin, i.e., for ptjmin = (30,40,50) GeV we have ETCLUS = (36,48,60) GeV, as per the ALPGEN defaults.
  • DR = 0.7 (fixed).
  • ETACLUS = 5.0 (fixed).

Scripts for showering and matching:

-- ThiagoTomei - 17 Dec 2008

All finished. The AlpgenProduction2008_ttbarjets.tar.gz tarball contains a directory for each sample, and in each directory we find the .input file, used to generate the grids, and the .grid2 file.

-- ThiagoTomei - 18 Dec 2008

In the table below you can find the grids for ttbar, W and Z - W and Z were done by Maurizio.

  • ttbar - Xsec vs number of jets - exclusive:

  • ttbar - Xsec vs number of jets - inclusive:

-- ThiagoTomei - 19 Dec 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
Unknown file formatgz AlpgenProduction2008_ttbarjets.tar.gz r1 manage 47.3 K 2008-12-18 - 18:48 ThiagoTomei Grids for ttbar production.
Unknown file formatgz AlpgenProduction2008_Wjets.tar.gz r1 manage 82.0 K 2008-12-18 - 18:49 ThiagoTomei Grids for W production.
PNGpng ttbar_exclusive.png r1 manage 9.0 K 2008-12-19 - 18:38 ThiagoTomei ttbar - Xsec vs number of jets - exclusive
PNGpng ttbar_inclusive.png r1 manage 9.3 K 2008-12-19 - 18:39 ThiagoTomei ttbar - Xsec vs number of jets - inclusive

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Topic revision: r12 - 2008-12-19 - ThiagoTomei
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