##################################################################### ## ## ## Here starts the USER's block ## ## ## ## USER has to go through the lines bellow and include the ## ## input root files and variables to be plotted, as well as ## ## their X and Y axis ranges, labels, legends and colors. ## ## ## ## USERS can also define the bin edges to compute the number ## ## of entries per bin per input file per variable. ## ## ## ##################################################################### import os import subprocess # Set width and height of canvas. # NOTE: It is safer to not touch in the canvas settup, unless you # know what you are doing. canvas_ratio = 0.29 # right side percent of the pad not covered wCanvas = 750 # width hCanvas = 600 # height # Would you like to apply a linear (0) or a log scale (1) to Y axis? linear_log_scale = 1 # Would you like to only pop up the plots, or to only save them, or to do both? # In case of USER running in batch mode ('root -b' option), this code # will automatically save plots in ".png" format. # What do you like to do? # - Pop up only -> 0 # - Save only -> 1 # - Both (pop up and save) -> 2 pop_save = 1 # If USER wants to save plots, tell what format: # pdf? png? eps? root? output_file_format = ["png", "pdf", "root"] # If USER wants to save plots, provide a commom name. output_file_name = "distribution_TP_ID_v5" # Would you like to get the entries per bin per input file per variable? # If "NO" -> output_entries_per_bin = 0 || (macro will create plots only) # If "YES" -> output_entries_per_bin = 1 || (macro will get entries only) # If "YES" -> output_entries_per_bin > 1 || (macro will do both things: create plots and get entries) output_entries_per_bin = 0 # Would you like to scale MC samples from normalization in Z peak based on data / MC ration? # If "NO" -> 0 # If "YES" -> 1 normalize = 0 # Distance between label and Y axis. # NOTE: It is safer to not touch in the canvas settup, unless you # know what you are doing. y_title_offset = 1.40 # Set legend position xMinLegend = 0.72 ## minimum x position of the legend yMinLegend = 0.35 ## minimum y position of the legend xMaxLegend = 0.99 ## maximum x position of the legend yMaxLegend = 0.9 ## maximum y position of the legend # Write the binning for each variable: pt_bins = [45., 50., 55., 60., 65., 70., 75., 80., 85., 90., 140., 300., 500.] eta_bins = [-2.4, -2.1, -1.6, -1.2, -0.9, -0.6, -0.3, -0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4] phi_bins = [-3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0] mass_bins = [60, 120, 200, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000] vertex_bins = [0.5, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5, 14.5, 16.5, 18.5, 20.5, 22.5, 24.5, 26.5, 28.5, 30.5] deltaR_bins = [0.0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0] probeIso_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03, 0.035, 0.04, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075, 0.08, 0.085, 0.09, 0.095, 0.1, 0.105, 0.11] combRelIsoPF04dBeta_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] tag_combRelIsoPF04dBeta_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] innertkSigmaPtOverPt_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.0] tag_innertrackPtRelError_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] NewTuneP_eta_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] tag_NewTuneP_eta_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] NewTuneP_phi_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] tag_NewTuneP_phi_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] NewTuneP_pt_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] tag_NewTuneP_pt_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] tag_MET_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_collinearity1_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxProbePtAtTheVtx_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxTagPtAtTheVtx_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxProbePtBefore_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxTagPtBefore_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxZcoordinate_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxRdistance_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxRdistanceFromBS_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_DimuonVtxFitNormQui2_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] pair_dz_bins = [0.0, 0.005, 0.01] # Write the list of variables inside an array. variables_settings = [ ("pair_newTuneP_probe_pt", 100, 0., 1000., 50., 10000000., "p_{T} #left[GeV/c#right]", "Events", "", pt_bins), ("eta", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 1000., 500000., "#eta", "Events", "", eta_bins), ("phi", 34, -3.4, 3.4, 10000., 500000., "#phi [rad]", "Events", "", phi_bins), ("pair_newTuneP_mass", 100, 0., 3000., 50., 100000., "m_{#mu#mu} #left[GeV/c^{2}#right]", "Events", "", mass_bins), ("tag_nVertices", 60, 0., 60., 0.005, 20000., "Number of Vertices", "Events", "", vertex_bins), ("pair_deltaR", 100, 0., 6., 0.5, 500000000., "#Delta R (#mu,#mu)", "Events", "", deltaR_bins), ("tkIso/pair_newTuneP_probe_pt", 100, 0., 1., 500., 200000000., "IsolationR03 SumPt/pt", "Events", "", probeIso_bins), ("combRelIsoPF04dBeta", 100, 0., 0.5, 1000., 10000000., "combRelIsoPF04dBeta", "Events", "", combRelIsoPF04dBeta_bins), ("tag_combRelIsoPF04dBeta", 100, 0., 0.15, 1000., 100000000., "tag_combRelIsoPF04dBeta", "Events", "", tag_combRelIsoPF04dBeta_bins), ("innertkSigmaPtOverPt", 100, 0., 1., 100., 10000000., "innertkSigmaPtOverPt", "Events", "", innertkSigmaPtOverPt_bins), ("tag_innertrackPtRelError", 100, 0., 0.12, 0.05, 200000000., "tag_innertrackPtRelError", "Events", "", tag_innertrackPtRelError_bins), ("NewTuneP_eta", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 1000., 500000., "NewTuneP_eta", "Events", "", NewTuneP_eta_bins), ("tag_NewTuneP_eta", 50, -2.5, 2.5, 1000., 500000., "tag_NewTuneP_eta", "Events", "", tag_NewTuneP_eta_bins), ("NewTuneP_phi", 34, -3.4, 3.4, 10000., 500000., "NewTuneP_phi", "Events", "", NewTuneP_phi_bins), ("tag_NewTuneP_phi", 34, -3.4, 3.4, 10000., 500000., "tag_NewTuneP_phi", "Events", "", tag_NewTuneP_phi_bins), ("NewTuneP_pt", 100, 0., 1000., 100., 200000000., "NewTuneP_pt", "Events", "", NewTuneP_pt_bins), ("tag_NewTuneP_pt", 100, 0., 1000., 0.5, 500000., "tag_NewTuneP_pt", "Events", "", tag_NewTuneP_pt_bins), ("tag_MET", 100, 0., 500., 0.5, 500000., "tag_MET", "Events", "", tag_MET_bins), ("pair_collinearity1", 350, 0., 3.5, 10000., 500000000., "pair_collinearity1", "Events", "", pair_collinearity1_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxProbePtAtTheVtx", 100, 0., 500., 0.5, 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxProbePtAtTheVtx", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxProbePtAtTheVtx_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxTagPtAtTheVtx", 100, 0., 500., 0.5, 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxTagPtAtTheVtx", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxTagPtAtTheVtx_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxProbePtBefore", 100, 0., 500., 0.5, 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxProbePtBefore", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxProbePtBefore_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxTagPtBefore", 100, 0., 500., 0.5, 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxTagPtBefore", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxTagPtBefore_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxZcoordinate", 100, -50., 50., 0.5, 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxZcoordinate", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxZcoordinate_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxRdistance", 100, 0., 1., 100., 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxRdistance", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxRdistance_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxRdistanceFromBS", 100, 0., 1., 0.001, 5000000., "pair_DimuonVtxRdistanceFromBS", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxRdistanceFromBS_bins), ("pair_DimuonVtxFitNormQui2", 100, 0., 100., 1., 500000., "pair_DimuonVtxFitNormQui2", "Events", "", pair_DimuonVtxFitNormQui2_bins), ("pair_dz", 100, -1., 1., 0.1, 200000000., "pair_dz", "Events", "", pair_dz_bins), ] # USER has to tell what is the variable name related to the mass. mass_variable = "pair_newTuneP_mass" # Include bellow as many lines as you need to add ROOT files. # First input ROOT file must have DATA events (root file 0). # The code will create histogrms in stacks following the order # of the input root files as they appear here: the histogram # on the top corresponds to the input root file 1, while the # histogram on the bottom corresponds to the last input root # file entry bellow. input_files = [ "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_SingleMuRun2012C_22Jan2013_v1.root", # root file 0 (Data) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_20_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 1 (DY->MuMu M 20) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_120_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 2 (DY->MuMu M 120) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_200_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 3 (DY->MuMu M 200) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_500_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 4 (DY->MuMu M 500) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_800_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 5 (DY->MuMu M 800) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_1000_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 6 (DY->MuMu M 1000) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_1500_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 7 (DY->MuMu M 1500) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/tnpZ_M_2000_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 8 (DY->MuMu M 2000) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/DYToTauTau_M_20_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 9 (DY->TauTau M 20) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/ttbar_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 10 (ttbar) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/T_tW_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 11 (tW) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/Tbar_tW_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 12 (tbarW) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/WW_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 13 (WW) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/WZ_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 14 (WZ) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/ZZ_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 15 (ZZ) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/WJetsToLNu_withNVtxWeights.root", # root file 16 (W+Jets->lnu) "dcap://osg-se.sprace.org.br:/pnfs/sprace.org.br/data/cms/store/user/adesouza/MuonPOG/HighMassDimuonEff_WithVertexReweighting_Dec_26_2013/QCD_Pt_20_MuEnrichedPt_15_withNVtxWeights.root",# root file 17 (Inclusive QCD) ] # Write the selections on the mass with respect to each input ROOT file. mass_selection = [ "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 0 (Data) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 120.0)", # root file 1 (DY->MuMu M 20) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 120.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 200.0)", # root file 2 (DY->MuMu M 120) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 200.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 500.0)", # root file 3 (DY->MuMu M 200) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 500.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 800.0)", # root file 4 (DY->MuMu M 500) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 800.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 1000.0)", # root file 5 (DY->MuMu M 800) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 1000.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 1500.0)", # root file 6 (DY->MuMu M 1000) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 1500.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 2000.0)", # root file 7 (DY->MuMu M 1500) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 2000.0)", # root file 8 (DY->MuMu M 2000) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 20.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 9 (DY->TauTau M 20) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 10 (ttbar) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 11 (tW) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 12 (tbarW) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 13 (WW) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 14 (WZ) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 15 (ZZ) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 16 (W+Jets->lnu) "(pair_newTuneP_mass >= 0.0) && (pair_newTuneP_mass < 3000.0)", # root file 17 (Inclusive QCD) ] # Write the default event selections (with exception of mass). default_selection = "(eta >= -2.4) && (eta <= 2.4) && (charge != tag_charge) && (tag_NewTuneP_pt > 45.) && (pair_collinearity1 > 0.02) && (pair_dz >= -0.2) && (pair_dz <= 0.2) && (pair_DimuonVtxFitNormQui2 < 10.)" # Provide label of histograms concerning each input ROOT file label_of_histogram = [ "Data-RunC, 7.05 fb^{-1}", # root file 0 (Data) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 20 < M(#mu#mu) < 120", # root file 1 (DY->MuMu M 20) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 120 < M(#mu#mu) < 200", # root file 2 (DY->MuMu M 120) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 200 < M(#mu#mu) < 500", # root file 3 (DY->MuMu M 200) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 500 < M(#mu#mu) < 800", # root file 4 (DY->MuMu M 500) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 800 < M(#mu#mu) < 1000", # root file 5 (DY->MuMu M 800) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 1000 < M(#mu#mu) < 1500", # root file 6 (DY->MuMu M 1000) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, 1500 < M(#mu#mu) < 2000", # root file 7 (DY->MuMu M 1500) "DY #rightarrow #mu#mu, M(#mu#mu) > 2000", # root file 8 (DY->MuMu M 2000) "DY #rightarrow #tau#tau", # root file 9 (DY->TauTau M 20) "t#bar{t}", # root file 10 (ttbar) "tW", # root file 11 (tW) "#bar{t}W", # root file 12 (tbarW) "WW", # root file 13 (WW) "WZ", # root file 14 (WZ) "ZZ", # root file 15 (ZZ) "W+Jets #rightarrow l#nu", # root file 16 (W+Jets->lnu) "Inclusive QCD", # root file 17 (Inclusive QCD) ] # Write the weight of each input ROOT file. # Of course, weight of DATA is "1.0". weight = [ 1.0,# // input file 0 (DATA) 4.0989119,# 2.5756, // input file 1 (DY->MuMu M 20) 0.8787172,# 0.5522, // input file 2 (DY->MuMu M 120) 0.1097428,# 0.0690, // input file 3 (DY->MuMu M 200) 0.0032626,# 0.0021, // input file 4 (DY->MuMu M 500) 0.0004058,# 0.0003, // input file 5 (DY->MuMu M 800) 0.0001327,# 0.00008, // input file 6 (DY->MuMu M 1000) 0.0000126,# 0.000008, // input file 7 (DY->MuMu M 1500) 0.0000016,# 0.000001, // input file 8 (DY->MuMu M 2000) 4.0970485,# 2.5745, // input file 9 (DY->TauTau M 20) 0.0761073,# 0.0478, // input file 10 (ttbar) 0.1572465,# 0.0988, // input file 11 (tW) 0.1585843,# 0.0996, // input file 12 (tbarW) 0.0386323,# 0.0243, // input file 13 (WW) 0.0234053,# 0.0147, // input file 14 (WZ) 0.0126613,# 0.0080, // input file 15 (ZZ) 13.897167,# 8.7325, // input file 16 (W+Jets->lnu) 44.194163, # 27.7702 // input file 17 (Inclusive QCD) # 0.4290, # input file 18 (DY+Jets->LL M 50) ] # The first color number will be the color of the histograms correspondent to the first # input ROOT file, while the last color number will be assigned to the last input file. color_of_histogram = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] ####################################################################################### ## ## ## !!! Users do not need to modify the lines bellow !!! ## ## ## ####################################################################################### ####################################################################################### # This function writes the general settings into an output file. def General_Settings(output): output.write("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n") output.write("// //\n") output.write("// Here starts the USER's block //\n") output.write("// USER has to go through the lines bellow and include input //\n") output.write("// root files, variables to be read and plotted, as well as //\n") output.write("// their X and Y axis ranges, labels, legends and colors. //\n") output.write("// //\n") output.write("// USERS can also define the bin edges to compute the number //\n") output.write("// of entries per bin per input file per variable. //\n") output.write("// //\n") output.write("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n") output.write("// Set width and height of canvas.\n") output.write("// NOTE: It is safer to not touch in the canvas settup, unless you\n") output.write("// know what you are doing.\n") output.write("Float_t canvas_ratio = "+str(canvas_ratio)+"; // right side percent of the pad not covered\n") output.write("Int_t wCanvas = "+str(wCanvas)+"; // width\n") output.write("Int_t hCanvas = "+str(hCanvas)+"; // height\n\n") output.write("// Would you like to apply a linear (0) or a log scale (1) to Y axis?\n") output.write("Int_t linear_log_scale = "+str(linear_log_scale)+";\n\n") output.write("// Would you like to only pop up the plots, or to only save them, or to do both?\n") output.write("// In case of USER running in batch mode ('root -b' option), this code\n") output.write("// will automatically save plots in \".png\" format.\n") output.write("// What do you like to do?\n") output.write("// - Pop up only -> 0\n") output.write("// - Save only -> 1\n") output.write("// - Both (pop up and save) -> 2\n") output.write("Int_t pop_save = "+str(pop_save)+";\n\n") output.write("// If USER wants to save plots, tell what format:\n") output.write("// pdf? png? eps? root?\n") output.write("string output_file_format[] = {") for i in range(len(output_file_format)): if i == (len(output_file_format) - 1): output.write("\""+output_file_format[i]+"\"};\n\n") else: output.write("\""+output_file_format[i]+"\", ") output.write("// If USER wants to save plots, provide a commom name.\n") output.write("string output_file_name = \""+output_file_name+"\";\n\n") output.write("// Would you like to get the entries per bin per input file per variable?\n") output.write("// If \"NO\" -> output_entries_per_bin = 0 || (macro will create plots only)\n") output.write("// If \"YES\" -> output_entries_per_bin = 1 || (macro will get entries only)\n") output.write("// If \"YES\" -> output_entries_per_bin > 1 || (macro will do both things: create plots and get entries)\n") output.write("Int_t output_entries_per_bin = "+str(output_entries_per_bin)+";\n\n") output.write("// Would you like to scale MC samples from normalization in Z peak based on data / MC ration?\n") output.write("// If \"NO\" -> 0\n") output.write("// If \"YES\" -> 1\n") output.write("Int_t normalize = "+str(normalize)+";\n\n") output.write("// Distance between label and Y axis.\n") output.write("// NOTE: It is safer to not touch in the canvas settup, unless you\n") output.write("// know what you are doing.\n") output.write("Float_t y_title_offset = "+str(y_title_offset)+";\n\n") output.write("// Set legend position\n") output.write("double xMinLegend = "+str(xMinLegend)+"; // minimum x position of the legend\n") output.write("double yMinLegend = "+str(yMinLegend)+"; // minimum y position of the legend\n") output.write("double xMaxLegend = "+str(xMaxLegend)+"; // maximum x position of the legend\n") output.write("double yMaxLegend = "+str(yMaxLegend)+"; // maximum y position of the legend\n\n") output.write("// Include bellow as many lines as you need to add ROOT files.\n") output.write("// First input ROOT file must have DATA events (root file 0).\n") output.write("// The code will create histogrms in stacks following the order\n") output.write("// of the input root files as they appear here: the histogram\n") output.write("// on the top corresponds to the input root file 1, while the\n") output.write("// histogram on the bottom corresponds to the last input root\n") output.write("// file entry bellow.\n") output.write("string input_files[] = {\n") for i in range(len(input_files)): if i == (len(input_files) - 1): output.write("\""+input_files[i]+"\"\n") else: output.write("\""+input_files[i]+"\",\n") output.write("};\n\n") output.write("// Provide label of histograms concerning each input ROOT file\n") output.write("string label_of_histogram[] = {\n") for i in range(len(label_of_histogram)): if i == (len(label_of_histogram) - 1): output.write("\""+label_of_histogram[i]+"\"\n") else: output.write("\""+label_of_histogram[i]+"\",\n") output.write("};\n\n") output.write("// Write the weight of each input ROOT file.\n") output.write("// Of course, weight of DATA is \"1.0\".\n") output.write("double weight[] = {\n") for i in range(len(weight)): if i == (len(weight) - 1): output.write(str(weight[i])+"\n") else: output.write(str(weight[i])+",\n") output.write("};\n\n") output.write("// The first color number will be the color of the histograms correspondent to the first\n") output.write("// input ROOT file, while the last color number will be assigned to the last input file.\n") output.write("int color_of_histogram[] = {"+", ".join(str(i) for i in color_of_histogram)+"};\n") output.write("// USER has to tell what is the variable name related to the mass.\n") output.write("string mass_variable = \""+mass_variable+"\";\n\n") output.write("// Write the selections on the mass with respect to each input ROOT file.\n") output.write("string mass_selection[] = {\n") for i in range(len(mass_selection)): if i == (len(mass_selection) - 1): output.write("\""+mass_selection[i]+"\"\n") else: output.write("\""+mass_selection[i]+"\",\n") output.write("};\n\n") output.write("// Write the default event selections (with exception of mass).\n") output.write("string default_selection = \""+default_selection+"\";\n\n") ######################################################################################################### # This function runs over several variables defined by the User and write them into an output file. def Loop_Over_Variables(output, i): output.write("// Write the list of variables inside an array.\n") output.write("string list_of_variables[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write("\""+variables_settings[i][0]+"\"") # else: # output.write("\""+variables_settings[i][0]+"\",\n") output.write("};\n\n") output.write("// Number of bins, Y and X axis ranges and stylistic definitions from USER.\n") output.write("// If you want, you can also provide the histogram title and the Y and X\n") output.write("// axis labels for each variable. Labels are giving to each histogram\n") output.write("// corresponding to each input root file.\n") output.write("// Give also a different color to each histogram corresponding to each input\n") output.write("// root file.\n") output.write("// Order of numbers bellow has to follow order of the list of variables provided above.\n") output.write("int number_of_bins[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write(str(variables_settings[i][1])+"};\n\n") # else: # output.write(str(variables_settings[i][1])+", ") output.write("double x_minimum[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write(str(variables_settings[i][2])+"};\n\n") # else: # output.write(str(variables_settings[i][2])+", ") output.write("double x_maximum[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write(str(variables_settings[i][3])+"};\n\n") # else: # output.write(str(variables_settings[i][3])+", ") output.write("double y_minimum[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write(str(variables_settings[i][4])+"};\n\n") # else: # output.write(str(variables_settings[i][4])+", ") output.write("double y_maximum[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write(str(variables_settings[i][5])+"};\n\n") # else: # output.write(str(variables_settings[i][5])+", ") output.write("// Provide label of X axis.\n") output.write("string x_axis_label[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][6])+"\"};\n\n") # else: # output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][6])+"\", ") output.write("// Provide label of Y axis.\n") output.write("string y_axis_label[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][7])+"\"};\n\n") # else: # output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][7])+"\", ") output.write("// Provide titles\n") output.write("string title_of_histogram[] = {") # for i in range(len(variables_settings)): # if i == (len(variables_settings) - 1): output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][8])+"\"};\n\n") # else: # output.write("\""+str(variables_settings[i][8])+"\", ") output.write("// Write the binning for each variable\n") output.write("double "+variables_settings[i][0].replace("/", "_")+"_bins[] = {") output.write( ", ".join(str(j) for j in variables_settings[i][9]) ) output.write("};\n\n") output.write("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n") output.write("// Loop bellow corresponds to the variable above. //\n") output.write("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n") output.write("void fill_bins (vector > &bin_edges) {\n") output.write(" Int_t total_number_of_variables = (sizeof(list_of_variables) / sizeof(string));\n") output.write(" bin_edges.resize(total_number_of_variables + 1);\n\n") output.write(" for ( Int_t i = 0; i < (sizeof("+variables_settings[i][0].replace("/", "_")+"_bins) / sizeof(double)); i++ )\n") output.write(" bin_edges[0].push_back( "+variables_settings[i][0]+"_bins[i] );\n") output.write("\n") output.write("}\n") ####################################################################################### # This function enable to run bash commands via Python and read its results pop up # on screen in real time. def bash_via_python(command_line): p2 = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while True: out = p2.stderr.read(1) if out == '' and p2.poll() != None: break if out != '': sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.flush() ####################################################################################### # User provides a directory name through this function. If such directory does not # exists yet, it will be created. def create_new_directory(directory): from_bash = os.path.isdir(directory) if from_bash == True: print "\n-->\t WARNING: File <", directory, "> already exists. Please, provide other name! \n" exit() else: bash_via_python("mkdir "+directory) print "\n-->\t File <", directory, "> has been successfully created.\n" ####################################################################################### # Here the main function is defined, creating an output file where all general and # specific variable settings will be written down. def main(): print "A new directory will be created here." directory = raw_input("Please, provide the name of the directory: ") from_bash = os.path.isdir(directory) if from_bash == True: print "\n-->\t WARNING: File <", directory, "> already exists. Please, provide other name! \n" exit() else: bash_via_python("mkdir "+directory) print "\n-->\t File <", directory, "> has been successfully created.\n" # bash_via_python("cp TagAndProbe_stacks_V12.cpp \ # Setting_Variables2.h "+directory+"/.") # os.chdir(directory) # bash_via_python("ls -all") # os.chdir("..") bash_via_python("cp TagAndProbe_stacks_V12.cpp TagAndProbe.sh TagAndProbe_for_condor.submit \ submit_TagAndProbe_to_condor.sh Common_Settings.py "+directory+"/.") os.chdir(directory) for i in range(len(variables_settings)): outputFile = open("General_Settings"+str(i)+".h", "w") General_Settings(outputFile) Loop_Over_Variables(outputFile, i) outputFile.close() bash_via_python("mkdir Plot_"+variables_settings[i][0].replace("/","")) bash_via_python("cp TagAndProbe_stacks_V12.cpp TagAndProbe.sh TagAndProbe_for_condor.submit \ submit_TagAndProbe_to_condor.sh "+outputFile.name+" \ Plot_"+variables_settings[i][0].replace("/","")+"/.") os.chdir("Plot_"+variables_settings[i][0].replace("/","")) bash_via_python("sed -i 's/Setting_Variables.h/"+outputFile.name+"/g' TagAndProbe.sh") bash_via_python("sed -i 's/Setting_Variables.h/"+outputFile.name+"/g' TagAndProbe_stacks_V12.cpp") bash_via_python("sed -i 's/Setting_Variables.h/"+outputFile.name+"/g' submit_TagAndProbe_to_condor.sh") bash_via_python("./submit_TagAndProbe_to_condor.sh Plots") os.chdir("..") bash_via_python("ls -all") ####################################################################################### # Here starts the main funtion main()